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I don't know what to say. I look Jack in the eye and try to think everything over again.

"I left the guardian. I just want you back." That sentence just kept playing in my head.

I look down to my feet. "I have to go Jack." I tell him in a quiet voice and push past him.

I open the locked door. After closing the door, i didn't know if I should forgive him.

I walked back to my dorm. I was so glad that rapunzel wasn't here. I couldn't deal with her.

I opened my books trying to do my homework but Jack wouldn't come out of my mind.

I tried to listen to music but that didn't work.

I finally forgot about everything and quickly wrote my answers.

I went down to the park and walked along the path. I stared at the beautiful leaves with colors of red, orange, yellow, and green.

I couldn't wait for winter to come.

I finally calmed down and my mind was finally at ease.

I walked back to the campus when somebody grabbed me again.

Not again

After Jack let me go I turned and faced pitch.

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