Picnic - A Carter Reynolds One Shot

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"I'm having a really great time, y/n," Carter says, smiling.

You had invited him to have a picnic with you at the local park. At first you were afraid he'd turn you down, it's not like you were dating or anything. You take a sip of your Vanilla Bean Frappe and reach in toward the basket to get the last turkey sandwich. Evidently Carter had the same idea. You feel your hand brush against his and heat crawls up your face as you immediately pull away.

"Sorry," you mumble sheepishly.

Carter rubs the back of his neck and stares at you. You avoid his eyes and awkwardly take out your phone. You check your Twitter and your Facebook, nothing new. You run out of things to busy yourself with but you can still feel Carter's gaze on you. You put your phone down and look up at him, staring into his dark lustful eyes. He holds his arm out and offers you a bite of his sandwich. You take it hesitantly, your eyes locked on his and his hand still holding it up for you. He watches it go down your throat before averting his eyes back to yours and smirking. Your heart stops as he leans in and his lips meet yours. You sigh into his mouth and he smiles against you. His hands travel along your waist and you feel his teeth on your bottom lip. He lifts the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head, finally pulling you apart.

"Wait," you breathe. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Y/n, I have liked you for a really long time and I know you want this." Carter stands up, his eyes still trained on you, "I've seen the way you look at me. I promise I'll make it worth your while." He sends you a wink and you nod.

"So is that a yes? I wouldn't want to pressure you..." He trails off.

"Yes." You smile, pulling him in for another kiss. He fumbles with his zipper, and eventually you pull away, giving him time to properly unzip his pants.

"Close your eyes." He commands. You obey, shutting your eyes and wearing only a bra and yoga shorts until you can't stand it any longer. "May I open my eyes now?" You ask, desperate.

"Now," he says, after a moment of silence.

You open your eyes and a large eggroll is staring back at you, sprouting from his crotch. You want to cry out but he shoves it in your mouth, groaning loudly.

"Is this an eggroll?!" You yell, the fried appetizer tucked in your cheek.

"It's a spring roll," he says, pushing your head, "EAT IT!" he demands. You obey and soy sauce dribbles out as you bite and he moans. His breathing is heavy and you wipe the remaining soy sauce off your bra. Carter kneels back down and sits by you.

You wonder if his spring roll will ever grow back.

"I love you, y/n," he whispers, laying back on the picnic blanket. You're breathless. He loves you. It takes a minute to settle in your brain. You've loved him for so long, you didn't even think he saw you in that way, but you love him. He is the ching to your chong.

"I love you too."

Picnic - A Carter Reynolds One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now