Meeting The New Neighbor

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i heard my mom yell faintly as i was daydreaming about Finn Wolfhard because i had just finished the new season of Stranger Things

"Honey, get done here to meet our new neighbors! i know you'll love them!"

"i'll be there in a second mom!"

I ran downstairs and slipped on my dirty white vans and headed out the door to follow my mom
i looked up to meet face-to-face with my celebrity crush


"nice to meet you, I'm Finn, and this is my brother Nick and my mom."

am i seriously meeting Finn Wolfhard right now what the FUCK he's my NEIGHBOR

"Hi i'm y/n it's good to meet you, i love your acting and your music!"

A/N- i'm lazy ill finish later

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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