When we started to be close we were all not emotionally healthy. We were sad and depressed. We started to talk about our problems to each other.
We all started to go to my house moust of the week. We would listen to music and pretend to have a perfect life. We had the time of the life. We had sleep overs and be completely our selfs when we with each other.
We were happy but that only lasted 2 months. We had a bad fight because they started to date and completely stoped talking to me and I was so hurt. This lasted a week I ended up having to be the bigger person and apologize wich I shouldn't have had to.
Lemon and cake broke up and lemon and I started to become close again. But me and cake drifted away from each other. It got so bad the we stoped talking to each other all together.
It was like this for 9 months straight.
During these months my dipresshon got really really bad I only talked about anything about me to sarahi(real name).But I got better life looked up. I gave up on cake and just tried to stay better.
Phi Hư Cấuthe full story about me loseing 2 of the closest friends ive ever had.