Chapter 5

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I was sitting up watching some morning toons drinking a freshly made cup of tea and stones (British muffin).

The sun was shining throw my only window with a huge smile on my face laughing historically at the toons feeling healthier than before.

Just kidding!!!

I was watching the weather that said it was going to rain in the afternoon even though it's been raining the last half hour now and there's a huge frown on my face as I stared at my pale like skin.

I was shivering while I was drinking hot cocoa and eating a piece of toast. scoffing at the weather channel.

"Knock knock," I heard nurse amber say before entering.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Amber," she said.

"Amber who?" I asked.

"You're nurse," she continues.

"Well amber your nurse.." I turned to look at her. "go away."

"You have a visitor," she said ignoring me.

"Bring them in then not like I can go to them," I said obviously not in the mood.

"Come in she's says," I heard her call out in the hallway.

Is it my mom? dad? brother? sister? death? doctor with a cure?

My curiosity grew larger as I heard footsteps come closer and in came a handsome curly haired boy that made my stomach twist, brain malfunction, mouth water, and into a nervous making girl.

I looked up at the ceiling ignoring his presence seeing if I kept looking I will die sooner than ever.

"Are you alright love?" He asked as I felt the side of my bed sink in.

I looked at him nodding seeing my nurse left too.

"Is this your family?" He asked picking up the picture we took last night.

"Yeah.." I nodded seeing him watch the picture going face from face until putting it back down.

"You didn't have that necklace on yesterday did you?" he asked. I shook my head no.

"May I ask how old you may be and when is your birthday, love?" he asked and by this time I scooted up to where I was now sitting up, hands in my lap, staring deeply into his gorgeous green eyes.

I didn't know i was staring for a long time until he said my name again.

"Oh sorry I was just....thinking?" I shrugged and he started to chuckled a small one, causing a shy smile to appear on my face.

"I would be happy, if you answered my question?" he grinned a toothy grin exposing deep dimples to crave in the side of his cheeks.

"Of course," I chuckled. Amber must of not told them if was my birthday.. "I'm 18, and my birthday was yesterday."

His face dropped.

"What?" I asked getting nervous.

"Your birthday was yesterday why didn't you tell me? I definitely owe you," he ran fingers through his hair.

"It's okay Harry, I'm just glad you're here, you kept your promise," I smiled a average smile. I felt his hand attach to mine caressing the back of it with his thumb.

"But the thing is Harry," I sighed and this caught his attention. "I don't think I can keep your promise."

"Don't say that Jada, please keep your promise," He whimpered? was he holding back emotions?

"Harry are you okay?" I asked but he looked down wrapping his arms around me letting out a muffled sigh along with a sniffle.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"It's not your fault, I mean I'm just dying," I tried to assure him.

"Besides, I'm the one who is sorry here," I told him and he looked at me.

"How?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"For making you worry about me, I don't want that," I sighed.

"I just want you to feel better that's all, I hate seeing people like this..." he let got wiping his face with his shirt.

"There's tissues right there you know," I chucked and he shrugged.

To be honest I don't see how I'm so calm.. here sitting in front of me the one and only Harry Styles that i've been dying to meet.. literally.. any other fan will tear him apart right now. oh wait I know the answer to that.

Im in the hospital dealing with cancer knowing I'm going to die soon.... and if I freak out in front of him he will think I'm a fucking lunatic and leave and I won't be able to chase after him..

That makes since, yeah.

So I decide to stay calm. okie dokie.

"What are you thinking about love?" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts.


Tearing you open while I lick your ball sack.

"I don't know, just some things I could be doing now if I was healthy," I shrugged lying obviously.

"That's great, well I hope to see you again tomorrow love, the boys are probably worrying, bye," he hugged me once more before exiting.

Bye Harry...

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