Chapter 5

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I looked at the picture that sat beside me. I reached out and grabbed it shaking a little.

I love them. Even my dad. I pressed the picture against my chest, pulling my knees up, softly crying.

I have been crying a lot lately.. I mean who wouldn't in my position?

I squeezed tighter annoyed with everything around me? Why can't life be fair? For me? For anyone?

The other day...someone in the same condition as me died.. Yeah I said it!! She died!! And I'm scared as shit right now because what if I'm next?

One thing hit me like a brick..

Harry styles.....

Harry Edward Styles......


He kept his promise.. Anyone in the world can be with him seeing him but no it's me.

I feel bad for the fans. They go to concerts, crying, screaming, and singing along to their music. Wishing just one of the five boys will even look or notice them once.. Girls who actually meet them are lucky but they're still sad knowing One Direction won't even remember them.. Knowing there's millions of other girls they've seen after them.

We'll let me tell you this.. I was one of those girls who couldn't even afford to leave the house just to go see one glimpse of their face but no...

Now here they were... Especially Harry..

Not fair I say... Even though I'm enjoying every bit of it... I still feel sick inside..

It's bad enough I'm worrying about others.. When I have problems of my own..

Like how my dad visited me for the first time in a whole year, yea I was mad on the outside but in the inside I was overwhelmed..

My baby sister Kayla grows more every time I see her.. Jesus, she's smart. When she gets older.. She's going to make a difference in life. Everyone's life..

My brother.. God, my brother.... Bad enough I hardly seen or spoke to him knowing he used to be the one I talked to all the time..

My mom... I love her to pieces but the thing that got me is... Is why she acted strange..

Yeah I noticed something last night I didn't want to think about...

Is how distance she was from my dad and the look in her eyes..

I can't think like that! Stop it Jada...

I just want to be dead already..

"Jada?" I heard Ambers voice say. I weakly looked up at her... My tears still flipping out of my eyes..

"You okay? Did that boy do something?" She asked sitting beside me halfway, patting my back.

I shook my head no as she wiped my face, me finally gaining control to stop the tears.

"I miss my family a lot," I told her.. I actually did. I hardly see them. Probably won't ever see them again..

"I know, I know," she hugged me sideways. She backed up and looked at me, pulling a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Get some sleep," she smiled and i nodded scooting down under the covers until my head layed on the pillow, closing my eyes.

I felt her gentle lips press against my forehead causing me to softly smile into my blanket.

"Sleep well Jada," she whispered petting my hair before I felt the bed lift back up and footsteps fading and door being shut.

It's not fair.........

for any of us.

Cancer patient (Harry styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now