the rest of the story

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One day, my sister and I were walking home from the village. Now, we weren't stupid kids - our mum taught us to mind our own business. So we weren't at all interested if someone went to the principal's office at school; but of course we were curious if it sounded like BOMBS were exploding nearby! Then we heard people yelling and the sound of guns. Lilly and I were walking near some bushes, so we hid in them - but the bush was too small for both of us and we fell out the other side. We helped each other up. Once we were up, we looked around and we were horrified.There was only a tree separating us from the battlefield! Then all of the soldiers looked towards us. We almost screamed - but abject fear kept us quiet. Then we realised that they were looking past us. My stomach turning,I turned to see what they were looking at. Before I could even think about doing anything ,my sister Lilly grabbed me and threw me into the bush, coming through after me. I heard her scream but at the same time a bomb went off. She screamed again and clutched her leg. I ran to get to her but a tree was holding me back. I turned to try to get the tree off but as I turned I saw it wasn't a tree, it was a soldier I screamed at him to let me go but he just shook his head. He didn't even cry out when I dug my nails into his hand. He finally let go when I bit his hand. When he dropped me I ran to my sister. Once I got to her, I ripped my shirt off and tied it around her leg, she dug her nails into me and screamed in pain. As I went to get up, a gunshot rang out so I grabbed Lilly and dived. I turned around to see where it had landed. Where we were 2 seconds ago. It was scary to know that if we hadn't move right then we both would have died. I was terrified - like when a cat sees a dog. Carefully I picked up Lil and started walking home with each step I took the heaver she got. When we got to the village I thought there would be someone who we could help us - but it was a ghost town. There was no one in sight. This scared me even more. So by now I was seriously creeped out and still trying not to drop my older sister.

Since there was no one in the village I decided to go to the Mayor's house - she was a family friend. I staggered through the village; beside me, my sister started quietly moaning. I stopped to see what was wrong with my sister and realised the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach began to rise. I took one look at lil's leg and almost screamed. It looked like the cut had been there for years not half an hour. I went into one of the nearby houses and took one of the sheets off a bed. Then looked around for some scissors to cut it up into little strips, to use as bandages for lilly. I cringed mentally, mum would kill me if she knew i was stealing AND destroying property. No mum wouldn't be too upset because afterall I was helping Lilly so it can't be that bad, can it? Never mind about that, now get back outside to lilly. I told myself. When I got outside I couldn't find her anywhere, but then I heard a quiet moaning sound. Inside my head I was screaming "WHERE IS LILLY. FIND LILLY NOW. MUM IS GOING TO KILL YOU. YOU WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOURSELF." So I followed the sound inside a house and found her on a couch in the living room. "Lilly what are you doing in here and how did you get here?" I asked so confused and a little creeped out. "I thought I had lost you and you know mum would kill me if i lost you." I said waiting for her to reply... "LILLY???" i said as I walked over to her. I sat down nexter her and looked at her, she was looking a bit funny. Then all of a sudden she stood up and started stalking through the room like she was a soldier or something. She even looked like she was a mindless dummy with a gun and was shooting invisible people. Then she walked over and shoved a chair over (with her bad foot) then put her foot on it and said "Where are all the hostages" but when she said it she sounded like a guy who was trying to be intimidating. So as confused as I was I walked over to her and pushed her over she stumbled and fell. Then she looked at me and said, "Who are you and where is my mum and dad?"

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