Chapter 10

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Jasmine's POV

Sound of birds chirping slowly invoked me out of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light seeping through the curtains. I smiled wistfully at the curtains. Black. Wow. Black curtains. I love them.

Wait. Something's wrong.

I don't have black curtains. I have grey.

My eyes widened when I realised I wasn't in my room. I roamed my eyes around my surroundings. Yup, definitely not my room.

I tried to get up but was pulled back down on the bed by something. Looking down, I saw an arm draped around me from behind. I did the only logical thing I could think of at that moment.

I screamed.

My screams were muffled by a pair of hands over my mouth. I looked at the criminal with wide eyes, which filled with recognition, before widening again.

Please God. Please don't tell me I slept in his bed. With him. Please.

"Jesus Princess! It's me. Stop bloody screaming in this hour. You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood." Chris spoke in a husky morning voice.

His eyes were droopy with half sleep and his tousled bed hair was falling into his eyes. He hovered above me, cautiously looking for signs I might scream again. The position we were in was giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm sorry. I just panicked." I whispered. He eyed me for a few moments and then sighing, got off me and laid down beside me.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You fell asleep. I couldn't carry you back to your room through the window. So I brought you here instead through the backdoor of our house." He said.

"What if your parents saw us?" I panicked again.

"My mother did." His words came like a thunderclap to me. I sat up straight so fast my head spinned. I closed my eyes briefly and then opening them, looked at him. His eyes were closed, and one hand was draped over his forehead. It was now that I noticed he was only in his sweatpants. His abs stared right at me, making me blush. I averted my gaze from his body and towards his face.

"How can you be so calm about it? What would she be thinking right now? What if she tells my parents? Oh God I'm doomed." I lamented.

A husky chuckle broke my lament. "Calm down Jas. She knows about you going up to the roof even before me. She saw you last week. And even last night when I was sitting with you. In fact it was she who recommended I bring you here instead of taking you to your house. It would've been dangerous trying to take you through the window. And obviously we couldn't use the front door. We might have woken up your parents." He explained.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked around the room for a clock and saw it on the bedside table. 7:30.

"Shit." I cursed and jumped out of bed. I was late for school.

"What's wrong now?" I heard Chris's voice behind me as I stood at his window, ready to jump out and into my room. I stood there contemplating how to reach my room when he came behind me and said, "Please tell me you're not thinking of jumping onto the tree and into your room."

Good idea.

Without replying I swung my feet outside and onto the tree.

"Jasmine! Are you out of your fucking mind?! Come back here?" Chris's panicked voice came from behind me but I didn't turn. If I did, I would've lost all this confidence and fallen down to the ground. Instead I slowly crept up the strong old branch and reached my window. I did a mental dance of victory as I entered through my window and landed on my bedroom floor with a thud.

Patting myself on the back for my newfound talent, I stood up and looked back at Chris's window. He looked comical standing there, with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open.

"Close your mouth Chris bear. Flies might go in." I said and winked at him. He shut his mouth and I let out a laugh.

"Woah. I can't believe my eyes. Please tell me you didn't just do that." Chris breathed out in awe and wonder.

"I did." I replied proudly.

He looked at me with eyes filled with admiration and something else I couldn't point out. His intense glare made me duck my head, blushing from the tips of my hair to the base of my neck.

"It's still there." I heard him say.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your fierceness. This fiery attitude. I thought you lost it once you grew up. I hadn't seen it since I came back. I saw it today." He said and a small smile crept on his face.

I smiled back. I couldn't tell him that he was actually right. I might've done this today out of fear of getting caught by my parents and getting late for school, but he was right. I wasn't the same girl anymore.

And he doesn't need to know this.

I would've stood there looking at him if I hadn't remembered that I was late.

"I'm late. I'll see you later." I started to rush off into my washroom but Chris stopped me.


I looked back at him and raised an eyebrow in question.


"I can drop you off at school. You'll save time from having to catch a bus." He said.

I was about to decline him when I remembered Violet's car was in servicing. She wouldn't be able to come to pick me up. And I was already late. I contemplated my situation.

"Okay. I'll see you in 20 minutes." Saying this, I darted into my washroom.

After 20 minutes I was dressed and I ran down the stairs to my kitchen. I greeted my parents good morning and grabbing a granola bar, ran out of the front door.

"Jasmine! At least finish your breakfast!" My mother's voice came behind me but I ignored it. Sorry Mom.

I walked out and saw Chris standing outside, leaning on his car while he was looking at something on his phone. He hadn't yet noticed me so I took the time to study him.

He was wearing a grey tshirt and black jeans that fit his athletic body perfectly. His hair was tousled back into a messy style and a pair of sunglasses adorned his angular face. He had a powerful yet laidback aura about him. I felt safe whenever I was in his presence. Not to mention his good looks and personality just added to his persona. He was really hot.

He looked up from his phone and spotted me. I smiled at him to not giveaway I was checking him out. He most probably bought it as he smiled back genuinely.

I walked upto him and thanked him for taking the pain to do this for me.

"Are you crazy? It's just a ride to school. Now shut up and get into the car." He said and got inside.

I chuckled and followed suit.

We reached school in 10 minutes and I got out. Turning to the driver's side I leaned down and looked at him through the window.

"Thank you. I'll see you later. Have a good day." I smiled at him.

He didn't reply but just kept looking at me. I noticed lately he has been doing this a lot. I mean, the staring. If it were someone else, it would've creeped the hell out of me. But it was him. Chris.

He looked at me with so much adoration it made me feel good about myself. His look was never perverted or creepy. Just adorable.

"Have a good day Princess." He said.

As he drove off and I turned towards school, my feet halted as a sudden horrifying thought entered my mind. A thought that came to me last night but I shrugged it off. But I was doubtful if I could anymore.

Was I falling for my former babysitter?

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