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Three hundred sixty-four days after Ayame's twentieth birthday, she journeyed alone to the Summer Village. Usually she only visited that quarter of the island either to see Shiroya or handle mediator work, but this time was an exception.

It was late when she arrived, almost midnight. She went past all the familiar houses and made her way straight to the beach. From the shore, she could see the islet that housed the Drop of Fire. A year ago, she had visited the symbol to purify it. Her chest clenched at the bittersweet memory.

Ayame walked along the beach until she was at the spot where she had faced Shiroya on the eve of her coming-of-age day. Closing her eyes, she pictured the pouring rain and the shouts of her companions at all the chaos. Trust had been broken that day. People had been hurt. It was a miracle that everything had turned out okay afterward.

However, another important event happened at that time. It was the day when Shiroya and Other Shiroya worked together and unlocked the Correcting Power. To think that this was done through their shared wish to save her warmed her heart. Ayame couldn't help but smile at the memory of the day that both Shiroya's accepted their love for her.

She let out a deep breath as she recalled the other incident that had happened. It was the night she had died. Her memory of her death was foggy as it had only lasted for a short while. One moment she was smiling at Shiroya as he pointed the sacred sword at her, the next she was waking up to see his crying face above her. One thing she could vividly remember, however, was the emotions filling her at the time.

She had been devastated. She had been scared. But she also completely trusted Shiroya to save her, and all her hope and love was enough to give her courage as her own sword pierced her chest. She didn't regret her decision. Her death had saved Yamato Island, after all, and when she had needed him most, Shiroya had managed to save her life too.

"Hey," a familiar voice called, pulling Ayame from her thoughts.

She turned around to see the person she loved most walking up to her. He had a gentle smile on her face, and she couldn't help but reflect his expression.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with a light giggle.

"I had a feeling you would be here," Shiroya replied. Upon reaching her, he wrapped his arms loosely around her waist, hugging her from behind. The embrace, though casual, was comforting. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "You should have told me you were going to visit."

"I wasn't planning on staying long."

The young man hummed in response. She felt one of his hands travel up to her chest, directly over where she had been pierced a year prior. A scar was there now. Sensing the guilt in his thoughts, Ayame placed a hand over his.

"Can you believe that all the craziness was only a year ago?" he murmured.

"It feels like it's been a lifetime," Ayame said in agreement. The young woman looked out onto the Sea of Lapis, her lips pursing tightly. "You know, back then, a part of me didn't think I would survive."

Shiroya's grip tightened, but he remained silent, allowing her to continue.

"When Rindoh told me I had to die by your hands in order to save Yamato Island... and even as far back as learning about my curse from the scroll... I kept thinking 'I'm not going to make it out of this. Everyone will live on without me.' But despite how sad I was, I also accepted it. If I had to give my life to save yours, you know I would do it in a heartbeat."

"I would do everything I could to prevent that, though," Shiroya finally spoke up. "And that's exactly what I did."

Ayame hummed. "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you."

"Neither would I."

She glanced over her shoulder to see Shiroya smiling at her, his eyes shining with love.

"Everything is in the past. Let's just be happy that we made it through the year together."

Ayame nodded with a grin.

They shifted so that they were now sitting on the sand side by side with Shiroya's arm wrapped around Ayame's shoulder and her head leaning against him. The sound of the waves beating the shore created a soothing rhythm as the moon shone down on the water. It was a beautiful scene, one she was thankful she could experience.



Shiroya pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Happy Birthday."

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