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It's honestly not long when you realized you were used from the start.

When you actually don't mean to dig up buried facts about the guy.

When you thought you knew him, but it was only the persona he wanted you to see.

He claims he couldn't give anything in return, when you have yourself to him.

When he claims "he did", love you.

That's a lot to take in.

When you get into contact with on old friend. That friend makes you feel a whole again.

He makes you feel like a peice if your Innocents hasn't been ripped from you.

Yeah, you might of called the guy to come and see you. Yes, you both agreed to do it. But the promises made in that front seat was supposed to be forever.

Friends are amazing to have, especially those who you know will always have your back.

I did actually love him after that night, but I know someone else has my heart. One day, they will come swooping and steal it away and never leave. One day I'll find that.

Hopefully, someone who's willing to settle down, and love me for what I am on the inside. Not for what I have on the outside.

210 words

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