chapter four

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The thing, or boy, got up and backed up against the wall. Staring with wide eyes, and realizing he no longer had his weapon which sent him into panic, grabbing the closet thing to him, which was the remote for the telly and heaved it at the group of strangers.

All of  them letting out shouts of terror as they kept dodging the items that he kept heaving at them, which was magazines, books, and now he was about to throw a clock radio.

Niall stepped forward " Stop! Woah, look just put it down." He reasoned to the boy who was now standing on the table, ready to throw the radio at Niall's face.  He lowered it down, but still looked skeptically at everyone, trying not to show that his sides hurt, and he felt sick.

" I'm Niall, what's your name?" Niall said as if talking to a shy child.

He didn't respond, only looking from one face to the other, he knew he didn't feel good, but he wasn't sure where he was, nor who these people were. One was trying to approach him, but his tone changed from earlier, which led him to be more calm.

" So what do we do?" Harry asked, standing behind Louis.

" Obvisouly we turn him in to the police, if he is whatever you say, then he is clearly being looked for, and I sure as hell don't want to get involved with this." Liam stated, and Louis nodded, looking at Niall, eyebrow raised as if asking if he was with them.

" We can't just turn him in! Who knows what happened to him, but right now we have to focus on him, he may have broken bones or a leak in his brain. need I remind you all that I hit him with my car!" Niall countered against Liam. 

" Niall's right." Harry agreed, Louis sighed , now all looking at the boy who had dropped the radio as look curiiously at all of them.

" One question, how are we suppose to explain away the ears to the doctors?"  Louis asked, being a smart mouth as usual.

" Um we can flatten them down with a hat or something." Harry suggested but Louis shot him down.

" Yeah cause the doctors won't find that weird, or the fact that he is already wearing a hospital gown already." Louis pointed out, turning everyone's attention to the boy's attire.

" Okay, w-we'll just give him some of our clothes, now c'mon before he dies here!" Liam said, walking into my room ,and returned within seconds. My favorite pair of basketball shorts and muscle shirt. 

" Well how are we suppose to dress him?" Harry asked as Zayn was still standing on the table, but had now risen the clock radio again, but held it out as if it were his shield. 

Niall sighed " Look, dude, mate, we need to get you to a hospital, okay but we need to get you different clothes, so can you let me help you."  

He squinted at him, but slowly got off the table, but when Niall touched him, he pounced on him, holding down his arms. 

" Help!" Niall cried,but Liam didn't just get the stranger off Niall, he hit him with the clock radio, and it straight knocked him out. 

" I didn't mean almost kill him!" Niall shouted, checking the boy over, taking notice of something on his wrist. " You guys, look at this." He called them over and all stared at the printed name on his wrist and a number ," Zain, number 1325."

" Well at least we know his name." Harry pointed out, and shyly started dressing him, of course Louis wasn't jealous that Harry had his hands all over someone elses body.

" Okay, he's dressed, let's go to the hospital." Liam said, and they all helped carry, Zain, out and into the car. 

" We are so screwed." Louis sighed, but ignored Harry's attempt to hold his hand.


" Hi um, our friend got hit by a car, my car to be more specific, and he is dizzy and has alot of pain." Niall explained as Liam and Louis held up Zain.

" Oh wow, yeah, I'll have a nurse take him to room 3, but only two of you could be there at the same time." The desk nurse explained and motioned over a nurse with a wheel chair, then handed one of the lads the paper form.

Louis volunteered himself, and went with Niall. Leaving Harry somewhat offended as they were forced to try and forge Zain's medical history.

Mean while, Zain was placed on the bed, making him start to cry, reminding him of the things he escaped, the nurse raised an eyebrow. 

" He gets anxious around doctors." 

She nodded and it took longer than it should've, Zain tried squirming away each time she tried to check his blood pressure, but after sedating him because he couldn't have been checked without it. Zain was loopy after. 

" Blood pressure is a little high, but he is nervous but that's okay. I'll just do an ultrasound, to check for internal bleeding, but he has a slight concussion, which is why he did get dizzy. Bruising along his chest and just some scrapes. You were lucky that you didn't hit him hard enough." The nurse said. 

" We'll be in a couple of minutes." She said before leaving to attend to more patients.

" They are going to ask for his medical card, I doubt legally he is a citizen of England, bullocks, Niall what the hell are we suppose to do."  Louis said in a hush tone, eyeing Zain.

" Liam and Harry will take care of this." Niall assured.

Within minutes she returned with the machine, and Zain was asked to pull up his shirt, with slow and lazy movements he lifted up the shirt. 

" Okay , Zain, this will be cold, just lay still." She instructed, and after a few moments spoke again " No internal bleeding, he has to stay on bed rest for two weeks for the concussion, and other than that he should be fine. Unless his headaches progress on much longer, then you should bring him back." She smiled , and patted Zain who just started blankly at her.

" Turn in that form from earlier and you should be good to go." She said and cleaned Zains stomach and left . Louis and Niall helped Zain up who whimpered, but gave into their help.

" We can't afford this! Let's bolt." Louis said , and Niall thought for a moment, giving into Louis' plan as they walked back into the waiting room. The nurse preoccupied as the five of them bolted for the door.

" Now what do we do?" Harry asked as he looked at Zain. Niall started the car and sighed.

" We keep him." 

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