Chapter VII

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"Ah! Welcome we've been expecting you all!" an unfamiliar voice says as we all turn round to be face to face with an unknown group of people. They all wave at us giving friendly smiles as a few of us wave back. "My name is Jason and this is where you all will be staying for the rest of the trip but as you all should know that groups will change a bit so if you want to leave this group please raise your hand." he says as almost half of our group raises their hands leaving me in shock. "Oh wow that's a lot but you all will be replaced with different students so there's a chance that you all will be separated from whatever friend group you're in but for now let's introduce the other guides." he say as he begins to introduce the other tour guides. One guide caught my eye, Jacqueline. Jacqueline has curly green hair which is obviously dyed that color, but she also has brown eyes but there's something I feel towards her and that feeling is unpleasant.

"Why did we leave the hotel?" Amaya says suddenly causing all of the tour guides to set their attention towards her.

"The reason why you all had to leave the hotel is because of budget funds and people started to complain about how you all filled up almost half of hotels room for free." Jason says reassuring us all. I mean that's a pretty good reason but why did Madison warn us all to stay close? I still don't know whether to trust these people or not just yet..."Alrighty now you all will be merged into Jacqueline's group since she already says a small group, you all may go and enjoy yourselves now." He says smiling leaving with the other guides as Jacqueline steps up.

"There's nine of you guys here and seven in one of the cabins so that's a total of sixteen, alright ladies and gentlemen follow me so you can all put away your suitcases." Jacqueline says as she leads us all to a cabin further down the path. Stopping in front of on of the cabins we were all suddenly startled by a loud crashing sound causing Jacqueline to throw open the door. "What are all doing!?" She yells sounding pretty pissed off.

"They keep fighting over nothing! Tell them to stop it's irritating!" The girl shouts while pointing at a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes who was on top of a boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes who seemed to be holding something in his left hand as the girl attempts to grab it.

"Ashlee get off of Keith right now!" Jacqueline says pulling this Ashlee chick off of him while he casually stands up.

"He stole my candy and I want it back!" Ashlee yells back at Jacqueline as she pries herself away from her and jumps on Keith's back causing him to wail around in circles as she hits him on the head repeatedly. This is an excellent example of absolute chaos.

"That's it!! You two are really getting on my nerves now!!" Jacqueline yells as he ears turn red. Oh it's over now. Jacqueline pulls Ashlee off of Keith and snatches the bag of candy away from him. "Since you both want to fight over some stupid candy neither of you will get it!" She yells storming out of the cabin slamming the door shut on her way out leaving the majority of us shook at her actions.

"Who does she think she is!? You dummy his is all your fault!!" Ashlee says getting ready to tackle Keith to the group as I decided to take action and interfere because these idiots are really annoying considering the fact that they are the reason why I now have a headache.

Clearing my throat I glance over at Amaya, and the others let's out a sigh because looking back at Ashlee and Keith. "Alright listen up you two!" I yell sounding like a very pissed of mom as they turn to look at me in fear. "I'm tired of hearing you idiots yell and fight over the most dumbest thing in the world, so I'm going to need both of you to either one shut up or you can both talk it out like adults and not argue like little kids, do you understand?" I say giving them both the death stare as they frantically nod their heads in agreement. That was easy.

"Nessa I think you scared them." I hear Maya whisper into my ear as I just shrug in response.

A moment later Maya, Noah, Elijah, and I were all talking with the rest of our old group members until both Ashlee and Keith walks up to us causing me to look up at them.

"We're so sorry for having you to yell at us like little children, please forgive us."Ashlee says as Keith rolls his eyes at her. "Hey, don't roll your eyes at me!" She says as Keith only scoffs at her causing her to get ready and punch the living lights out of him but before she could hit him Elijah sighs as he rubs his temples clearly getting annoyed with them both

"I swear to god if you both don't shut up and sit down I'll straight up beat the living crap you of you both so shut up or get beat up!" Elijah yells as Ashlee and Keith sits down almost immediately .

"Oh wow I've never seen those two be so obedient before." I hear a girl say from the other side of the room.

"Good job getting them to shut up Eli!" Noah says as Elijah simply rolls his eyes.

"Guys I think we should introduce ourselves to them because to them you're just complete strangers who scold them when they get on your nerves, so I'll just introduce you all to them." Amaya says waving at the two before introducing us all to each other.

We all began to chat for a while, and we all decided to play games like twister and uno until Jacqueline walked in informing us all that we should go sleep early while we are all here because we would all have to be awoke by ten in the morning or else we'll miss breakfast. After all sixteen of us finished showering and got changed we all had to share bunk bed with two on top and two on the bottom so me and Maya took the top bunk while Elijah and Noah took the bottom bunk.

So far everything is normal but things could always change whenever it wants and when we would all least expect it to happen.

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