Chapter VI

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Run. All I could do is run. Everyone around me were all now dead even my best friend is dead! Why did this have to happen to me!? Why couldn't I stop this from happening? It's my fault that everyone is dead because I turned a blind eye on them all.

My legs begin to go weak as I continue to run but I suddenly give in collapsing to the ground as I begin to cry. "I'm so sorry it's all my fault I didn't listen to you guys please forgive me." I say in tears as I hear footsteps approach me. Looking up I see the same group of people the killed all of my friends, they all are still wearing black cloaks along with the most hideous masks I ever seen in my life until now.

"We'll give you two options, one is to stay here forever and join us all in a brand new life or you could end up like your friends. The choice is yours." the mystery person says as the rest of the people begin to form a circle that prevents me from running away. I can't escape, I can't run, I can't hide, and more importantly I can't do anything in this condition.

"Why would I ever join you after having to witness you all slaughter my friends like pigs?! I'd rather die than join you guys!" I spat as they all shrugged and pulled out their knives. This is it, it's all over now. No redoes because this is the fate that I'll receive for being so selfish and inconsiderate.

"Well what are we waiting for she chose death over joining us, so we have to kill her." the masked figure says getting down to my level. "Maybe we'll meet in a new life where you'll join us one day but for now goodbye, and we'll hopefully meet again." the mystery person say stabbing me in the back as the others join in stabbing me as well.

I jolt awake breathing heavily. It was all just a silly nightmare. I put my hands to my face as my breathing returns back to normal. Removing my hands away from my face I grab my phone and looked at the time. It's currently 7:15 a.m and everyone else is still sleeping. Sighing I grabbed the clothes that I would be wearing for today making my way to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. Turning on the water I begin to strip out of my clothes and I begin to get into the shower. 'Why did I have that weird nightmare last night?' I thought to myself while washing my hair. I still couldn't shake off the fact that Madison said that we won't be staying at the hotel anymore but the thing I really can't get off my mind is the fact that she warned us all to stay safe. Turning the water off I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself as I start to dry my hair off. After getting dried off I put on my clothes which are my red plaid skirt and my black off the shoulder shirt. Today I just decided to keep my hair straight because I just don't feel like doing anything with it today. Leaving the bathroom I see that Amaya is somewhat struggling to stay awake. Once she's fully awake she looks up at me waving at me.

"Good morning Nessa." she says yawing rubbing her eyes while taking her phone off of the charger. "Wow it's only seven forty five, how long have you been up Nessa?" she asks standing up stretching out her arms before picking out what she was going to wear for today.

"Ive been up for at least for a good thirty minutes." I say sitting down on the bed.

"Hey can I ask you something?" she asks as I nod. "Okay so as you know how we will all be leaving the hotel so some odd reason but the warning Madison gave us all has me worried and I have a really bad feeling that something bad might happen during this trip but, how do you feel about all of this?" she asks with a worried expression.

"I'm worried too Maya but whatever happens I promise that we'll get through it all together." I say giving her a small smile as she nods heads to the bathroom. Man even Amaya is worried about all of this but I can't blame her though.

Two hours everyone is awake, dressed, and we all ate some breakfast. Grabbing our suitcases we all began to make our way to the lobby was I see Madison standing with the others with a worried expression on face but it fades as smiles over at us but I know for sure that smile is fake. We all stood next to the other people in our group as Madison lets out a sigh as she begins to speak.

"Alright as you guys know today you all will be transferred to somewhere for the rest of trip along with the other students, so I will be escorting you all to where you'll be staying but once you all are there you'll be given new tour guides and some groups will ochanged but more importantly I wish you all the best." She says as she leaves the hotel with us following her onto some kind of fancy yet basic bus.

An hour later we all finally reach our destination as the bus stops. Madison shows us off of the bus. Looking around I realized we're near the beach as we all began to walk on stone path that led us to a place with multiple cabins with the beach in view now. This is all really nice maybe we were worried about nothing.

"Alright everyone this is where I have to go now, so I guess this will be goodbye." Madison says smiling gently at us all as we all say our goodbyes to her as she leaves.

"Ah! Welcome we've been expecting you all!" an unfamiliar voice says as we all turn round to be face to face with an unknown group of people.

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