Chapter 9

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Vanessa's POV

"Because I fucking like you Vanessa"

Asher's face mirrored mine. We were both shocked as his sudden confession. No, he can't like me. He is dating Tatiana so it's not possible. "Stop lying Asher... you're dating Tatiana," I whisper looking at the ground.

 He recovers from the shock and says, "I'm not lying Vanessa I do like you, why wouldn't I like a friend like you..."

I felt completely two different emotions when he said that. I was happy that he at least considered me as a friend but deep inside, I was wishing the 'like' was more than just a friendly way. "... and I'm not dating Tatiana," he added. I quickly look up to see if he is lying or not. His face was serious so I guess it's true. 

"Then, why didn't you correct her when she was stating it at the cafeteria," I asked. 

"Vanessa, it kinda gets old when she has been saying it since freshman year. Plus, I've told her a million times but she just doesn't get it." Then I see a faint blush spreading across his face when he finishes his sentence. I give him a questioning look. He takes off his sweater and hands it to me and turns around. 

"Why are you giving this to me?" I ask still confused at his actions.

"V-Vanessa... u-umm... you're shirt is really s-see-through because there was a bottle of water that was on the tray and it got spilled on you," he says while stuttering a bit. I quickly put on the sweater as I feel my face getting hot in embarrassment. Then I remember that I might ruin it since my clothes are all dirty.

"Um... Asher, you can turn around now and I think your sweater will get dirty," I say. He turns around to face me and looks up and down as if he was inspecting me.

"Don't worry about it getting dirty. Just wash it and keep it. You look cute on it anyways." he says as he grabs my hand to leave the bathroom. He keeps holding my hand and I'm just a blushing mess. I'm just praying to all the gods that he doesn't turn around and see me blushing. We turn the corner and I pull back my hand to grab his attention. 

"Asher, we're late to class!" I yell as I realize class started about five minutes ago.

"Relax. I'll just tell one of the guys to pay attention in class for today and take notes for you since I'm guessing you don't want to be the center of attention when you enter the classroom," he assures me. He really thinks ahead. I just hope that the guys have good handwriting or else I'm going to be clueless.

"Asher, I never skipped a class before unless if it was for something urgent," I added. It just feels weird being out in the hall without an excuse. Somehow I feel a little disappointed in myself. I guess my disappointment is written in my face because Asher cups my face forcing me to look at him.

"Look, Vanessa, don't worry about getting caught. The staff barely care and are lazy to sent students to their classes. You also should live a little, nothing bad is going to happen. After all, you will understand what you missed in a couple of minutes because of your smartness. Now stop worrying about it and let's go to the library until next hour," he added. As we walk through the library trying to find a nice quiet space, the students that have our lunchtime turn to look at us. I guess everyone did really see it what Tatiana did to me.

I sit down in this little seating area in the back of the library and Asher follows my actions. He stares at me as if he is waiting for me to speak up.

"What?" I ask.

"Vanessa, how long has it been going on?" says Asher with a worried look. Wait, what is he talking about? I give him a confused look hoping that he understands my confusion and clarifies what he is talking about.

"I'm talking about Tatiana bullying you," he adds. 

"W-what are you t-talking about? She d-doesn't b-bully me," I stutter. I internally sigh. I could have said that with a little more confidence so that it sounds believable. Who am I kidding? She kind of admitted to bully me in front of everyone. Asher chuckles sarcastically.

"Vanessa you expect me to believe that. She clearly said that she bullies you when she talked about not having her fun lately with you," he recalled. I study his face to see any trace of emotions. He looks somehow worried. 

"It has been happening since last year as soon as I moved here..." I replied almost in a whisper. He sighs and looks like I just confirmed what he didn't want to hear. He looks down breaking off the eye contact with me. I'm just sitting there really confused if I should say something else.

"Why didn't you tell someone?" he asks continuing to not make eye contact.

"I j-just didn't t-think I sh-should make it into a b-bigger problem," I say. I'm really confused at his actions. At the same time, I'm scared that he is mad at me. He takes a deep breath as if he is trying to calm himself down.

"Vanessa... it still doesn't justify it. What Tatiana is doing is really wrong on so many levels," he insisted as he finally looks up to make eye contact again. He looks somehow guilty.

"Look, Asher, Tatiana is not going to stop if I tell someone about it. I also learned that her actions towards me are a way to prove and make herself feel better. Without it, she wouldn't be as confident as she is. If I go around the school making it a bigger deal, it will be another excuse for her to continue. So, getting away from her when I can is the best option. Now, let's stop talking about Tatiana she has too much attention already," I assured him. 

He lets the topic drop and makes me forget about what happened earlier. He even drops me off at my class just to make sure Tatiana doesn't try anything.

(In the evening)

It's about one in the morning and I'm currently in the office of my house. I'm finishing everything Claire will need to know for the party on Monday so that I don't rush things on the weekend. Don't ask me why the party is on Monday. I would have done anything to make it any other day but that is the only day when my mom Kaithlyn and my brother Eros can come. I'm also busy doing my homework and trying to understand Noah's notes. Not only is his personality like a child but his handwriting resembles one as well.

After two hours I finally head to my lovely and comfy bed and let sleep consume me.


(A/N: I know I skipped Thursday but I honestly had nothing to write for it. Just pretend it was a boring day of school.)

All six of us are currently sitting, eating our lunch. "So, are going today or next Friday," Ethan asks Asher and Noah.

"I think we should go today since we haven't been going lately," replies Asher. The girls and I are confused so we decide to remain quiet and not intrude in their conversation. Noah looks excited at Asher's answer until he looks at us. His face shows more excitement as if he has thought of an idea.

"Guys! We should let the girls come with us to go camping this time. It could be more fun with them," says Noah. Oh, they are going to camp. That sounds like fun but I don't know if they want to take us with them.

"Sure, do you guys want to come?" asks Ethan.

"Yeah, I'll go," says Emily. Amelia nods as well to the idea. Everyone looks towards me for my answer. I look at them while I'm trying to decide if I should go. I did finish all my work, both for school and for the office but what if something happens while I'm away. I ignore the thoughts, I have become paranoid since the incident that happened with Samantha. 

"When are we coming back?" I ask. 

"We are coming back Sunday afternoon, Angel face," says Noah with hopeful eyes.

"Okay then, let's go," I reply. If we are coming on Sunday, it doesn't interfere with the party so I'll be fine. Plus, I know I can trust in my employes. What happened with Samantha shouldn't make me stop trusting others. I just have to stop trusting people easily.

I just hope nothing bad happens to us and makes us regret the trip. After all, you never know if the girls or boys will finally make a move on each other. We could even come back with some couples.


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