Chapter 12: Honeymoon

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(Dale POV)
    We made our honeymoon about 2 weeks after our wedding so that way we could bring the babies with us. They are now 7 months old just about a year old. We are taking a cruise to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. Your probably asking why somewhere like that when you cant go in the water because you got kids.

     Well Grac made me get the kids some floating tube things so that way we can have them in the water with us. So thats what i did i also packed up all of our stuff so she wouldnt have to. So thats where we are now on our cruise to the Bahamas. Its honestly really pretty out there i know your probably thinking is he gay. No im not i just find nature very fascinating and interesting.

     I like to watch the sun set and rise i just love nature thats all. So for us to be out in the Bahamas is great. And truly an amazing experience for us mostly me because ive never been. Grac has been like i think she said 5 times this being her 6. Or ahes been 4 times and this is her 5 time going i dont know but shes been here more than me and thats for sure.

     Shes also said every time that she comes out here she always finds something new that's interesting to her. Honestly I find everything here interesting like how clear the water is and how the sun sets its just to beautiful to even explain. Its honestly been one of the most amazing experiences ive her had.

    Besides having kids with the love of my life that at one point was my super duper close best friend. Getting married to her and now this my life honestly probably cant get any better after this. Ive had some great experiences but nothing as close and as amazing as this. This right here from the day we found out she was pregnant to right now.

    Would all have to be topped off as #1 most amazing experiences in my life. Anyways we are now looking out at the water amd sunset debating on whether or not to get in the water or to wait till tomorrow. I really want to get in now but Grac is telling me no and that we will have to wait till tomorrow.

    So looks like i wont be experiencing any water fun if you know what i mean tonight. Looks like we will just have to experience bed fun tonight and then water fun tomorrow morning. I mean yeah the water is going to be clear but whos gonna see me thrust my dick into my girl from the front and then also from the back.

    Like for real i hope no one but you never know. There are some nasty ass people out there who if they do see it will video tap it and keep it for later. But i mean if we go to where no one can see then by all means my little buddy and i are gonna have some fun tomorrow in the water. People also say your less likey to get a girl pregnant in the water well imma prove that wrong.

     Dismorning when i woke up i decided to go and check on the babies and let Grac sleep in for a bit. Once i got to the babies they were wide awake already so i went and got them both a bottle of milk. Once i came back to give them their bottle of milk i decided to check their diapers too. Im really glad i did becuase they were poopy as hell.

    I cleaned up Jaxten first since we was closer to me. And lets just say i made sure to get those family jewels of his. His shit was everywhere im really glad i got his tip before i got anything else because his slit was open and it looked like his poop was gonna go in. So i hurried up and got his tip cleaned up before i got to anything else. I guess he thought it would be funny to fart on mw because he did and then laughed about it.

    Like for real son im cleaning you up and you repay me with a fart and then laugh. Like whats funny about that besides you being cute while you did it. Anyways i got done cleaning him up and putting a new diaper on and some clothes on him. After that i moved to Bella let's just say im glad i got to her last. Because when i undid her diaper she was peeing and pooping at the same time.

    So i closed the diaper until ahe was done. Which btw whem these kids are done doing something they either laugh or give you the biggest cutest smile ever. So i took her diaper off and cleaned her too i made sure to use the rash cream that prevents them on both of them so they wouldnt get rashes. After i was done with both of them on changing their diapers and clothes.

    I went back to check and see if Grac was up. She wasnt so i did the only thing i thought would get her up and that would relieve my morning wood. I bent down and took the blank over my head and moved her legs and took her panties off. Once i was done with that i leaned down to take her lips into my mouth while i had one hand undoing my pants and the other going to her clit.

     Lets just say by time i got done cumming all over the place and she woke up she was a moaning mess and finally let lose in my mouth. Once she got done and came down from her high she realized what i did and smacked me. I asked what that was for and she just laughed and said for not letting her sleep in. I told her that it was about 11:30 and that she needed to get up.

    She then asked me if the babies were awake i said yes. And i told her that they have been fed and changed diapers and clothes. She looked up at me smiled then kissed my lips and left for the bathroom. I waited outside for her to get done in the process i got her an outfit out for her and set it on the bed. Once she was out i got my stuff walked to her kissed her on the cheek and walked into the bathroom.

(Grac POV)
     I woke up on our second day of our honeymoon and was moaning. I knew why but it didn't register till after i came on his mouth and came down from my high. Once i did i smacked him he asked me what that was for and i just laughed at him and said it was for not letting me sleep in. He then said it was almost 11:30 and that i needed to get up. Then i asked him if the kids were awake he said yes, and that they have been fed changed from diapers and clothes to new ones.

    I smiled and kissed his lips and walked to the bathroom. I took me a cold shower once i was done i walked out with a towel wrapped around me. And saw my clothes sitting on the edge of the bed, i looked over at dale and saw him with clothes in his hands and walking to me. He kissed me on the cheek and walked to the bathroom.

    Once he was gone i got dressed and went to the kitchen part of this damn ship. Its so fucking huge i could almost get lost. But then again if it weren't for me coming to the Bahamas about 5 times. And knowing where everything is then yeah i wouldn't get lost. Once i made it to the kitchen i ordered me and Dale some food.

    After i got our orders and paid i started to make my way back to the room. Once I got into the room i noticed that Dale was out and in the kids room playing with them. I walked in there and told him i had did for him. He said OK and asked me what my plans were. I did i didn't know and didn't Care what we did we only had 2 more days left till we headed back home.

   He then said OK and told me what he had in mind. I said that it sounded great and that i didn't mind the bed fun and water fun. He said OK and told me to hurry up on eating. And so i did and once i was finished i was greeted with my husbands hands all over me. Next thing I know we were doing a good quickie in front of our kids.

    Not shortly long after that we got the kids ready to go to the water. After we were done we left our room and headed for the water. Right as soon as we got into the water i was already being invaded by his dick in the front. Not shortly after he came he was going to the back. Let's just say for short i think I'm pregnant again.

    If so let's hope its not twins i don't think i can go another one of those double pushings. No thanks it hurt like a bitch i told Dale that if we have kids were having 4. So that's the goal before we get our tubes tied. Don't get me wrong i love kids and i love having sex. But I'm done after #4 pops out.

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