Chapter 26: Night in the Hospital

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(Grac POV)
     We've been in Florida for 3 days now, we have 3 more left and then we head home. We are right now some wheres at a mall dont know where or what mall. We were just getting ready to leave the mall when we hear a set of gunfires go off.

     We all ducked down so that we wouldnt get hit. Unfortunately dale bellas husband and her 2 oldest kids where either shot in the leg, side, arm, or stomach. We started to get everybody rounded back up and headed to the cars when a nother set of gunfires went off. So we got back down after what seemed like forever and we thought we were clear.

     We made a mad-dash to the cars we ended up pulling the hurt ones with me and the rest went where ever. We rushed to the hospital so we could get the bullets out of them. Turns out that probably none of them will make it. We all stayed at the hospital for the night to keep an eye on them.

    After a while me and the rest headed home to get cleaned up and get some rest and food. Next morning we woke up around 11:30 and headed to the hospital. Once we got there we were told that Randy and 1 of bellas and Randy's kids didnt make it. Literally everyone fell to their knees and cried. I dont know why i did really i dont know if it was because it was my daughters husband who i took in at the age of 17. Or what it was but i was crying my eyes out.

     After a while i got my composure back and went up to the doctors and asked about Dale Bradley, and Lance Ray Andrez. Yes incase you were wondering her first son Paul Scott Andrez is the one who died. Anyways they told me that would make it if they had some more breathing treatments done. I said ok and went back to tell everyone the some what good news.

    I mean yes its good news but for bella it really isnt. She lost her husband and her very first son to a random gun shoot out. Anyways once i told them the news they all let out an inaudible sigh of relief. After a while we headed into their rooms to talk to them for a bit. Little bit later i told everyone to lets go so we can clean up get some rest and eat.

    Me, Bella, Maddy, and some of the other girls decided to make up the funeral plans. Me and Maddy were making the invites to the funeral. We were also doing those things you say at the funerals. The others were all planning on where we were going tk have it how it would look and how many people would be there.

     They also were doing the decorations, while me and Maddy headed out and about to look for 2 decent looking caskets. We found a couple and paid for them, while the girls went out to everyone that we new and gave them the invites.

     The next day we went to the hospital to get the other 2 guys out and bring home. Once we got to the hospital Dale ran up me and squeezed the living hell out of me. I asked him if that meant ue was ready to go home he said hell yeah you better bet that does. We all laughed at him and then went to sign him and Lance out of the hospital.


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