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"Welcome my dear" Natalie, Jack's mom said immediately she saw me come in.
"Thanks" I said pulling behind me some luggage
"Martin, get the bags to little master's room" she ordered the servant.
"Ohh, Emily.. You're welcome too" she said hugging my mom.
Wow, this house is beautiful.. Its soon large with many rooms.. Its paradise.
"You're all welcome here" she continued.
"No you're not" someone said upstairs.
We all looked up and I was right.. It was Jack.
"Jack, are you in your right senses" his mom shouted.
"Yes I am, and I don't think you and dad are" he said from up stairs folding his arms.
"What" was what escaped Natalie's lips.
"You heard me, if you guys are why would you arrange a marriage between me and some bag of bones"
Really, I know I'm a little bit skinny..okay I'm skinny but beautiful with it. I love my self the way I am cow ass.
"Hey, don't you call me such names.. I'm not interested in this marriage either" I shot back.
"Oh yeah, if that's the case then why are you here" he shot back too.
I went silent. I began to wonder why I am here too. I could have just run away.. No my dad would have killed both me and my mom... I finally knew what to say but before I could reply he had disappeared into his room.
"I'm so sorry for what just happened.. I promise he would get over it soon" Natalie pleaded to my mom and I.
"Its alright.. I understand" my mom replied.
"Thanks..So.. Want anything to drink?" Natalie asked.
"Nah.. I'm fine"
"Me too" I said
" Chloe why don't you go check out your room" Natalie suggested.
"Yeah darling, go check it out" my mom added.
"Okay.." I said.
I'm a little scared and excited too. I don't think this is gonna be a good idea.. Like he's not in a good mood now.
I walked up the stairs slowly.. I tried to be as slow as possible cus I dunno what waits for me when I open ‘little master's ’ room. I built up some courage and opened the door. I saw Jack sitting on a bar chair.
Gosh his room is freaking large. He got a very big wardrobe, a master bed, a little bar and some posters of Lil Wayne on his wall. The room was okay.. I guess at least for a mafia's son.
"What are you doing here" he said without turning around.
"Um.. I was told this is our room" I said with a little fear.
"Well its not.. Its my room"
"But what.. I'm on my way out and when I get back I don't wanna see you here" he said before grabbing his car keys and then walking out of my face.
"Jack" I called out.
"Don't ever call me Jack..  It's little master to you" he said before finally walking out.
I've never been so ill-treated before.
I can't believe he did that to me.. Where am I going to sleep tonight. I better go tell his mom.
"Natalie... I.."
"Chloe thank goodness you're here... Look at what I made for both of you to put in your room"
"Wh..a..t" I said looking at the picture frame she's showing me.
"What do you mean" Natalie said giving me a sad look.
"Um.. I mean like.. what so lovely and cute.. Jack would love this". I threw a fake smile.
Point of correction.. Jack will so hate it. He doesn't want to see my face yet alone see a picture frame of both of us. The worst part is that it has Together forever at the bottom. I really can't tell Natalie about what Jack said to me. She seems so excited too. I heard she hasn't smiled in ages but now she's smiling.. I don't wanna spoil this. May be Jack would get over it when he gets back. And if he doesn't.. I guess I'm gonna sleep in the store or bathroom.
"I know you would love it"
"Any way, your mum and I are going to the store to get some stuffs" Natalie continued.
"Okay.. Be back soon" I said as I watched them leave.
Now I'm the only one left in this big mansion apart from the guards. I went upstairs to Jack's room hoping to relax before he gets back, but I couldn't. My eyes caught every corner of his room and I couldn't resist but check it out. I came across some kind of glass prism with a pic of Jack and some lady. I think that was his girlfriend or something. I heard someone coming then out of fear I dropped it by mistake shattering it into a million pieces.
Oh my gosh.. I'm so dead.. What I'm I gonna do now.
"What are you still doing here" Jack said.
Immediately I heard his voice.. I stood on the pieces so he would see it. I'm wearing slippers so I shouldn't have any problem.
"Um.. I.. Um.. I your laundry" I said ending with a fake smile.
"What! Why are you doing my laundry.. go laundry yourself first.. Now get out from my room" he said pointing at the door.
"Get out" Jack shouted before giving me a push. When he pushed me, I stepped on a piece of glass that penetrated my slippers and pierced my foot.
"Ouch" I screamed.
"What" he said looking at my foot.
"Ugh.. You're so annoying... Look what you've done to the only memory I have of her"
"I'm sorry" I said with a pity voice.
"Be sorry for yourself.. Just get out.. I don't wanna see you ever again" Jack screamed at my face.
"But nothing.. Get out" he said hitting his fist on the wall so hard.
I couldn't hold back my tears.. I ran downstairs.. Into the nearest room I could find and slammed the door behind me.
Tears flowing down my cheeks. Look at the mess my dad got me into. This is just the first day.. The beginning.. I wonder how I will deal with this for years to come...

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