A Week After Meeting

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I had been rather quiet while Booth and Brennan were talking in the front. We pulled up to what looked like a car crash. I got out with them and we went to go and get the rundown.

What happened was, the two cars had a little bump and the situation escalated and when a cop did a routine check of the car, he found a body in the trunk. Brennan was talking to the man in Spanish when a car came up.

"Everybody down!" I yelled when a gun muzzle appeared in the window. I ran between Bren and the car. Booth grabbed me after Brennan hit the deck and I was still standing there. A bullet flew past my head right as Booth pulled me down. The car drove off and the criminal started running. Booth and I got up and went after him.

"Bowen! Come back, it's dangerous!" Bren called. I kept running. Booth was five or six paces behind him and I used to run track for my school. I pulled my signature move and sped up. Right past Booth. I ran in front of the man, dropped like a bag of rocks and after he tripped I rolled out of the way and Booth got him again.

"Nice move kid. Are your knees okay?" The guy asked. I looked at him and arched my eyebrow.
"Shut up." Booth said and hauled him off. Brennan came rushing down the alley and I got up. I started walking back after I pulled my pants out of my right knee. Both stung a fair bit but I ignored it.

We got back to the car and the body was already being put into the escort vehicle to go to the Jeffersonian.
"Are your knees okay? You took a hard fall." The guy said.
"I'm fine." I said.
"And he speaks." The man said like he has never heard someone my age speak. I glared and Booth shoved him into the cop car.
"What did I say to you?" Booth said as he shut the door.
"You fell?" Brennan asked I looked down.
"More like, threw himself at the ground. Knees first." Booth said.
"Let me take a look at your knees." She said.
"They're fine. It doesn't hurt that much. I just gotta go home and get new pants." I said looking up at her. Booth had his arms crossed.
"Do you want a ride?" Booth asked.
"I can just call my brother." I said rubbing my thumb on my pants nervously. The pair don't scare me, it's the fact that I don't actually belong here that's making me nervous.
"Are you sure? We can sit in the car outside if you wish but it seems that you made a friend and I don't know if it's a good friend." Booth said.
"I-I'm sure I'll be fine." I said trying to sound convincing.
"Fine. But we're going to wait here until your brother comes, you hear me?" Booth said leaning on the SUV. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I called my brother, Daniel and he showed up ten minutes later. I waved a little at Booth and Brennan and got in the car.

"Oh my god Pipes! Are you bleeding?" He asked dramatically.
"Yes. I did what you told me to do when someone was chasing me. Minus the nail him in the dick part. I landed the wrong way I guess." I said playing with my hands in my lap. He took my hands in his one hand.
"Don't be so nervous. Was it the FBI guy? Do I need to beat him for hurting my baby brother?" He asked.
"No, you don't! It was to help him. I just need new pants and a band-aid." I said.
"So I'm guessing you got the guy?" He asked.
"Yeah and it was weird because he wouldn't talk to Booth or Brennan but he talked to me right after I went down. He asked me twice if I was okay." I said looking out the windshield.
"Hm, that is weird." Daniel said. We rode the rest of the way in silence and he still had his hand on mine. We've always been really close. He's six years older than me.

We pulled up and we went up to the house.
"Ah! My beautiful baby boys! Piper! You're bleeding!" Our mother said from the deck.
"Yes. He used my defence tactic to stop a bad guy." Daniel said nudging me.
"My little baby tearing up his knees to stop a bad guy. I will agree, not the best way but I'm still proud." She said smiling.
"I will also agree. Not the best way. I probably ruined a good pair of pants." I said going into the house. I went upstairs, to the bathroom and got some Silver that we use on the horses, a couple of large band-aids and the Polysporin. I pulled my pants down and sat on the edge of the tub. It didn't take me long. Only my right knee needed a band-aid. I went to my room, got another pair of pants. I happened to glance out the window and I saw a familiar black SUV with Booth and Brennan in the front seat. They were talking about something. I did up my pants and pulled out my phone. I texted Booth.

Me: Since you're sitting outside, I'd assume that you want me to ride back to the bureau with you?
Booth: Yes. That would be appreciated.
Me: Okay, coming.

"Mumma! I gotta go back to work. I'll come home after." I called as I went downstairs.
"Alright my baby Piper." She called.
"Bye Danny!" I called.
"Bye Pipes!" He called back. I was about out the door when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned.
"Take these to your friends. Eat some of them, Piper. You're still growing." My mother said looking me in the eyes.
"Alright mama." I said with a smile. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled.

I took the container of cookies that she offered and I went out to the SUV. I got in, took out two cookies and handed the container to Brennan.
"What are these?" She asked. I did up my seatbelt and put the cookies on my thigh.
"My mother's cookies. They are amazing." I said leaning back on the seat. Booth took three from the container.
"Wait! You guys don't have any allergies do you?" I asked.
"I do not." Brennan said taking a cookie. Booth already had one in his mouth.
"Nah." He said around the cookie.
"Booth, don't be rude!" Brennan scolded. He kept eating.
"So, what's the plan?" I asked.
"We have some time and some snacks now so what about some team bonding?" Booth suggested.
"I don't really do team bonding." I said quietly.
"I know, that's why we should do it! So then Bones and I can learn about you and you can learn about us. Come on, what's said in the car won't leave the car." Booth said turning to me.
"Booth. I don't see why this is necessary." Bren said.
"This is necessary so then I know who my team is." Booth said taking another cookie. I smiled a bit at the two.
"Everything I might tell you could be a lie." I said.
"But you wouldn't do that to me. Would you kid?" He asked looking at me. I shrugged.
"You gonna start with the questions anytime soon?" I asked. Booth smirked.

"Alright, age."
"Five six."
"What high school did you go to?"
"Highland District Secondary School."
"Favourite food."
"Waffles and tacos."
"Speak any languages?"
"English and French."
"Mushrooms and peppers."
"By six years, older brother Daniel, mother Anita, cat Stefano."
"Video games?"
"Depends what you're playing."
"Middle name?"
"Jack. After my father."
"December twenty-fifth."
"Do the math."
"It's not that hard."
"Did you do well in math?"
"Academic ninety-nine point five for four years."
"Impressive Mr. Bowen!" Brennan said looking at me.
"Have any questions Doctor Brennan?" I asked.
"What's your favourite colour?"
"Royal blue."
"Where were you born?" She asked.
"Canada." I responded.
"So we have a Canadian?"
"Yes. Weren't you listening?" Brennan asked looking at Booth.
"Alright Canadian Boy, any tattoos?" Booth asked.
"A couple." I said with a shrug. Bren gasped.
"What of?" Booth asked.
"That's personal. I might show you later." I said.
"Alright. They better not be anything you're going to regret in a couple of years." Bren said.
"They aren't." I responded.
"Alright. That's all my questions for now. I'm not done with the fact that you have tattoos." Booth said. At that, the conversation was over and we headed to the Jeffersonian.

We pulled in the parking lot and Brennan locked the doors. Booth looked at her and looked between him and Bren. Bren turned to me.
"That's the most you've talked to us. I hope it's not the last." She said looking into my eyes.

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