Deceit: I added someone.
Roman: who???
Remus: meeeeee
Roman: no.
Patton: fine.
Logan: Hello, Remus.
Remus: hiiiiiiiii
Virgil: I'm confusion.
Logan: that is not gramatically correct.
Virgil: IDC. Also, I found who the other little is
Roman: WHO!?
Patton: are they cute?!
Deceit: Virgil, don't. He doesn't like that part of him.
Patton: that's more of a reason for him to tell us! We could help him!!
Deceit: compared to him, I'm just running around while giving you all hugs in little space. He avoids it as much as possible.
Virgil: and that's why I saw him chilling on the couch sucking his thumb?
Deceit: I was in my room, and besides, he had a bad day.
Remus: I was buying more snaosks
Remus: snakcw
Virgil: good job.
Remus: shutup
Deceit: and by snacks you mean,
Remus: Deoterent? Yes.
Virgil: don't you make your own?
Remus: I stopped doing hta, too much works
Remus: that
Remus: I'm goING TO BED
Deceit: sleep tight, do let the bed bugs bite
Remus: stfu
Patton: wait, can Remus tell us who they are????Roman: REMUS, WHI US USHCDDSDW
Remus: care to speaks your words better?
Roman: says u
Remus: what ever. Anyways, I'm no sell out.
Logan: Wait.
Remus: you alL SUCK
Sanders sides texting
Randomthe better version XD. this one should have an actual story line (hopefully '_'), and deceit will actually be texting. but just a warning, this will take place in the AU universe of 'littles are known' because I can. have a love day, and have fun r...