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monday came sooner than what yeosang expected.
his attempts in trying to maintain his room clean failed as his room
ended up being trashed just like it was a few days ago.

the only difference being that
he hasn't slept at all.

his mind wouldn't shut up for a split second and let him sleep in peace.
it kept running all night.
as soon as his eyes would flutter
he would immediately be
woken up
by the smallest of sounds,
such as
the faint pitter patter of raindroplets crashing onto his window,
or notifications going off from his phone, to the sound of keys jiggling from the next door neighbor.
and the fact that he kept having
yeosang wasn't one to have dreams.
in fact they were quite rare.
except for nightmares.
they were the only exceptions.
he would wake up in cold sweats.
his breathing heavy and unsteady.
as he could feel his heart
pounding at an unhuman rate.
some of these nightmares would get to real and all yeosang could
do was cry.

he was lying in bed, his eyes heavy,
slowly trying to shut.
but a loud knock woke him up
from the sleepy haze he was in.
yeosang didn't bother to move as
he heard the door being opened
and soft foot steps walking around his apartment.

"yeo-yeo where are you?"
a loud vioice boomed throughout the apartment.

yeosang hissed at how incredibly
loud wooyoung was. but he opened his mouth to respond

"in here" yeosang's voice barely audible
as it was low and croaky.

wooyoung walked throughout the apartment looking for yeosang.
he grabbed the door knob
and quickly twisted it, as he made his entrance into yeosang's room.
he looked around; and the small
smile that was previously on his face
slowly faded away.
he frowned as he saw that yeosang
hasn't been maintaining his
apartment clean. he scanned the
room and noted that he should
start coming by over.

wooyoung was genuinely worried.

he spotted the tired puffy eyed
male sitting on his bed
staring right at him.

"yeosang-ah" wooyoung said
as it came out as a
faint whisper.

he made his way over to yeosang's
bed and slowly sat down. facing
the exhausted brunette.

"you came" is all yeosang could say,
his voice slightly cracking

"of course i did why wouldn't i yeosang" wooyoung responded
giving him a small smile

yeosang knew wooyoung would
try to ask if he was okay, since he
said his name instead
of the nicknames he had given him.
the room was silent.
both not knowing what to say,
afraid that one would say the wrong
thing. they sat there for a little bit,
either staring out at anything and everything.
thinking about many different things
to say.

wooyoung broke the silence
"let's get you ready for school sangie-ah" wooyoung said, his voice gentle.
afraid that he might break the boy
in front of him.

wooyoung got up and looked through yeosang's closet. the first thing that caught his attention was that
his closet was full of clothing,
which could only mean that he hasn't left the house at all.
he picked out some black skinny jeans
and a black turtleneck sweater, he held the articles of clothing in between his arms as he walked over to yeosang.
he carefully placed them on the edge of the bed, and he went back to the closet
and took a towel. he came back to yeosang and handed him the towel and clothes.

"here take these and go take a shower"
wooyoung said as he pulled
yeosang's arm up and walked him
to the bathroom
"i'll go make us something to eat 'kay?"
wooyoung questioned waiting for a response
"okay." yeosang said as he shut the door behind him

yeosang set down the clothes on
a small chair he had in his bathroom.
he hung up his towel
on a rack and slowly undressed himself.
he stepped into
the glass like shower, and closed the sliding door behind him.
his hand wrapped around the shower knob as he turned it putting the shower setting onto cold.
he shuttered at the feeling of the cold piercing drops, slowly cascading down his back. he stood still for a few minutes, adjusting to the temperature, he opened the vanilla scented shampoo bottle as
he put a handful into his hair and slowly washed his hair.
he then moved onto the body wash and he quickly rubbed it all over his body and rinsed himself off.
but he didn't leave
the shower.
he stood there, just focusing
on the feeling of the water.
not anything else.
just the water.


yeosang and wooyoung rushed
down the main path, towards
the college entrance.
they were late because the subway
had a malfunction on their way here.
they scanned their id cards on the pad
that was next to the main entrance doors.
a green light flashed from the pad
and small clicking sound as the door
they continued running down the hallways trying to reach their class.

they were standing in front of their
first class of the day,
their hands leaning onto the wall, as heavy pants
escaped from their lips.
after they catched up on their breathing
they opened the door and stepped in.
the professor was in the
middle of showing a slideshow presentation,
and the sound of the door closing caught the attention of every student,
but they all looked back as they saw who entered the class.

the professor looked up from his desk and made his way up the stairs and stood in front of the pair.
yeosang and wooyoung both bowed
and greeted the professor.

"we apologize for interrupting the class in the middle of a lecture"
wooyoung said as he looked down at his shoes.

"what's your excuse"
the professor sighed as he was waiting for a response

"we were taking the subway and
there was some maintenance
problem" wooyoung answered as he looked up, and saw yeosang looking down at his shoes.

"i'll let you enter the class for the remainder of time we have left
together, but next time i won't accept any excuses and you will have to leave the class" the professor warned the both of them as he stared at the two.

"thank you" wooyoung and yeosang said in unison. wooyoung giving his
big smile.
as yeosang avoided the professors gaze.


smh my head. i haven't even
gotten past the second chapter
and i already hate how this is turning out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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