take me dancing (bonus chapter)

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will's pov

"it'll be fun," i say. "i promise."

"don't make promises, will, that never works out for anyone." nico says.

"wow, that's angstier than usual." i remark. i kiss him on the cheek. "come on."

he sighs and smiles because he can't help it when i do that. "okay. it'll be fun." he relents.

"you're with me, of course it'll be!"

new york at night is always a bit chilly, even in the summer. i stay close to nico as we walk down the streets to the bar. the sidewalks glisten with dampness from the recent rain. light seems to bounce everywhere in the darkness. we approach the bar and i open the door for him. music is loud inside and it's crowded.

"god damn it," nico says bitterly. "just get me drunk. i'm already tired of this."

i steers him towards the bar and order drinks. nico waits behind me. there's people all around us. there's drunk girls in the corner. one of which obviously just got recently dumped.

"drinks, sir," i say, handing him a glass.

"thank god," he eagerly drinks it as fast as he can. he places the cup on the bar. "gonna need a lot more of these."

"damnn, nico is here to party!" i exclaim laughing. and he laughs too, surprisingly. maybe getting him to have some fun will be easier than i thought. i grin and i hear a familiar song play.

"oh my god!" i exclaim, grabbing his hand. "i love this song! come on!" i try to get nico to dance with me. feeling music tingle like electricity in my nerves, i spin nico around. he dissolves into laughter. my face grows warm and dopamine courses through me. if i could make nico laugh like that all the time, i'd never be sad again. he just has a type of laugh that could cure cancer, probably. it's addictive.

nico still isn't dancing freely so i buy him another drink. i don't like mine so nico chugs it as well. "are you trying to get me drunk?" he asks.

i shrug. "you're trying to get you drunk,"

he grins like i've never seen him grin before. "you're right. more!"

"okay, one more." but then one more turns into a couple more and soon nico is the most animated i've ever seen him. he chugs the last of what's in his cup and grabs my wrist.

"let's go dance!"

"what?" i ask, confused by the sudden role reversal.

"i actually really like dancing! only when i'm drunk, though," drunk-nico says as he leads me by the hand. his voice is so different from what it usually is. he grabs my face and kisses me in front of everyone in the bar- something he'd normally feel shy about. and even drunk, the kiss feels like fire.

"o-okay," i stammer, feeling dizzied by the change in behavior. i decide to just let it happen. nico winks at me. my face glows scarlet.

and the beat drops in the music and nico danced like i've never seen anyone dance in my life.

i'm so starstruck, i don't even join him. i wouldn't know where to begin.

he drops dramatically and twists his body to the beat. the dim lights glisten on him it seems as he moves. i just hold a glass in my hand, staring at him like an idiot.

"is that your boyfriend?" someone asks me.

"y-yeah," i answer, forgetting how to speak for a moment.

"he's killing it!"

"i'm just as surprised as you are,"

nico comes back, grinning at me. he runs his hands down my chest.

"since when did you dance like this?" i ask him in his ear.

"since forever, darling," he says back in my ear and i get goosebumps hearing his intoxicated voice. he takes the glass that was in my hand and downs it. he hands it back to me. his gaze is enough to burn me.

and nico dances pushed up against me. i feel my ears growing warmer, as if blood rushing to my face. he's at the center of attention now and he's putting on a real show. at the end of the song, he grabs my waist and kisses me in front of everybody again, except everyone is watching now. they all cheer, of course, and i can only smile, red in the face. the kiss sends waves of heat through my entire body. i feel like i'm suffering from a high fever.

"let's get out of here," nico says as he pulls away. nico looks at me with heavily lidded eyes. i blush hard.

"yeah," i agree breathilly, still disoriented.

nico is much more drunk than i am. i had maybe two drinks. nico had, god, i don't even know. i decide to get a taxi and we both get in.

"did you have fun tonight?" i ask nico as the city passes by us outside the car window. it's very dark in the cab at night and i can make out the faint outline of his face in the light coming from the windows and the headlights of other cars.

nico yawns and mumbles something incoherent and italian.

"sleepy now, huh?"

his eyes flutter closed and his head slumps onto my shoulder. he nestles his face closer to me and mumbles again in italian.

"what was that?"

"ti amo."

"oh." i feel as though floating.

and nico smiles to himself. a tiny, little secretive smile with his eyes closed and his head on my shoulder. i sit as still as possible so i don't disturb him. he looks angelic in his sleep. lights jump and dance from the city outside and casts disappearing and reappearing shadows on his face. he sleeps through the distant honking of traffic and muffled pop music on the radio.

he's still asleep when i help him to his apartment and lower him onto his bed. i take off his shoes and pull covers over him. he sleeps when i kiss him on the forehead.

he still smiles to himself. a tiny, small secretive smile. i wonder what he's dreaming about. it must be pleasant. he looks angelic. i'm convinced he must be from another world.

we should go dancing again, i think. we should go dancing all the time. slow dancing, salsa dancing, ballroom dancing, whatever. wouldn't even care if it was a zumba class. doesn't matter where. shitty bars, the living room, in the streets.

it's a privilege to dance with angels.

"ti amo," i whisper to his sleeping body, laying next to him in the bed. he smiles and nestles closer to me, throwing his arm over me. i drift asleep to the sound of his breathing. i don't get vivid dreams often. only vague impressions. but i like to believe that when we sleep together like this, our dreams mingle with eachother, because i always see swirls of pale colors and sweeping sensations. but only when he is sleeping near me. our dreams fuse and spin together like thread.


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