Loss of memory

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Roli was wondering what birthday he is talking about...

Why he is telling as he was in Delhi...

When She was in complete confusion... Doctor entered into the room...

Doctor: He got conscious.. good...

Roli; Yes doctor.. he got conscious.. but...

Doctor; But what happened???

Roli: He is telling.. he was in Delhi.. and was celebrating birthday with parents...

Doctor; Oh.. let me talk & see...

Doctor looked at him...

Doctor: Hello.. How are you feeling now...

Guy: Its paining Doctor...

Doctor; It will be as you got injuries... by the way.. what is your name...

Guy: I am Siddhant bharatwaj... 

Doctor; Good Mr. Siddhant... what is your parents name...

Guy; Rajender Bharatwaj & Sujatha Rajender Bharatwaj...

Doctor; Well.. can you give your parents contact number so that i can tell them you are injured...

Siddhant; Sure Doctor...

Siddhant gave numbers...

Doctor; Ms. Roli.. can you contact their numbers...

Roli dialed the numbers... 

Roli was surprised...

Roli; The number is coming switched off...

Siddhant; Switched off... how come.. 

Roli: I tried both their numbers.. but its the same...

Siddhant; Then try the lanline number...

He gave number.. while Roli told its not working too...

Siddhant was surprised...

Siddhant; How come none of the numbers answered...

Doctor; Anyway.. dont take stress.. Anyway... tell me.. with whom you came to manali...

Siddhant; No Doctor.. i was celebrating birthday with my parents.. after that i dont know what happened.. when i open my eyes.. i am here...

Doctor; Oh.. you mean you were celebrating birthday with your parents in Delhi...

Siddhant; Yes Doctor..

Doctor; Well.. what was the date...

Siddhant: what doctor.. asking date.. its today's date.. 12 Dec 2015...

While Roli looked at the calender.. which was showing date as 5 May 2016...

Doctor: ok.. no problem.. now you are injured.. and given medicine.. you take rest.. we will talk further later...

Siddhant; Ok Doctor...

Doctor went out while Roli followed him...

Roli; Doctor.. he is telling date as 12th Dec 2015...

Doctor; Yes... it shows he lost memory of 5 months...

Roli; Lost memory of 5 months... how come doctor.. i heard memory loss will happen where they dont remember anything... even their name or anything...

Doctor; It wont happen same to all.. It depends individual.. Few will lose memory of so many years and dwell on their childhood... GOod that he is only 5 months back...

Roli; Now what to do doctor...

Doctor; I will give medicine and further.. as he is remembering his details.. you can try to take him to his house... if his parents get connected in phone.. then tell them about his condition and they can take him.. or you can help him too...

Roli; Of course i will do whatever i can.. but doctor.. wont his memory come back...

Doctor; We cant say... he may get his memory even in a day or it may take long duration.. as such.. no damage inside.. but the jerk he got in the brain might have disturbed his memory...

Roli; Ok doctor.. 

Doctor; His external injuries which are small will be cured within a week.. the mild crack bandage should be there for 1 month.. It should be taken care...

Roli: Ok doctor.. thanks... 

Doctor went to visit other patients... While Roli came back to Siddhant...

Siddhant; What doctor said...

Roli; Nothing.. he told medicine need to be taken.. nothing else...

Siddhant; Oh ok.. but i wonder how i came to manali...

Roli; Its ok.. lets think about it later.. 

Siddhant; ok.. by the way.. Thanks.. for your help...

Roli: NO need to mention... 

Roli smiled...

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