Science brings love

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I'm sorry I haven't updated lately I've been going threw some stuff and watt pad has not work either anyway hope you like this one 💕
Kin point of view
I was on my phone texting Kim when Laney came up from behind me and yelled "*gasp* I knew you liked her!!!!!" "Wait what who does kin like" corey yelled "what?!? No one!!!" "Oh really is that why your texting ki-" before she could finish her sentence I covered her mouth "hey Laney do you want me to tell your crush that you like him??" She shook her head "good" "wait Laney and kin have crushes!!!!!!" "NO WE DONT" we shouted together "yes you do Laney likes cor-" kon was saying but got interrupted by Laney "no!!! Kon don't say it or I swear I will gut you like a fish" "wait so you do like someone lanes?" "What no I don't" "yes you do is it umm Jason from school?" "No" "um is it *gasp* no way please don't tell me it's not that
Larry guy" Laney had a drink at the time and spat it out when corey said that "*cough cough* WHAT NO?!?!?" "No no no no no no YOU CANT LIKE HIM YOUR NOT ALOUD!!!!!!!!" Okay that's weird wait he doesn't Omg I need to talk to him now "corey come here I need to talk to you now!!!!!!" "Uhh okay?....... " "okay if I tell you who I like you have to tell me now you first" "oh well you know the girl with red hair over there yeah.......her" "omg I knew it!!!!!!" "Hey hey not so loud so who do you like??" "Uh Kim" "oh good for you man!" Wait why isn't he mad "why aren't you mad" "coz I know how much she likes you" no way yes yes yes "you have to tell Laney man" "what no way she obviously doesn't like me so I can't tell her or I will ruin our friendship and she'll hate me forever" "she's liked you since we started the band just tell her or I'll make you kiss carrie instead" "whoa whoa okay I'll do it no need to go that far Laney?!?!!! I need to tell you something can you come here please come here?!" "Uhh........okay coming!!" "Okay I umm well.....I uhh... Love youuuu.." "" "........yep" "I uhh love ..too" "you do!!!??? "*nods head*" then corey starts leaning in and stops then turns to me and say go tell her man then he kisses Laney
I start running to carries garage and knock on the door "what do you want groj-nerd" carrie asks me meanly "I need to talk to Kim" "ugh whatever KIM?!?!? It's for you" "COMING oh hey kin what's up??" "I need to tell you something I" "wait you do??" ".....yeah....." "I love you too" "REALLY?!?!?!?" "Yeh...." I kiss her quickly and she kisses back we pull back and I say "I love you Kim" "I love you too kin

The end again I'm sorry but I Promise to update twice a week love you all💕💕

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