Larry x laney

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Hello I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long first I forgot my password then a lot of stuff happened and I only just remembered my password like 1 day ago so I thought I'd update with something @theTinyboxtrinity requested I hope you enjoy and again I really really sorry 💕💕
Laney's POV
I finally got over Corey I'm so much happier but then I started having feelings for the Newmans boy it's really weird since we look alike but he's just really cute is all and when we merged I found out we have a lot in common but he likes Carrie and he'll never like me like that or at all for that matter. "Hey laney are you okay?" "Hmm what??" I looked up to see kin and kon staring at me "you look really tired today are you okay" kin asked "oh um no I'm fine just um th-thinking I guess sorry" "are you sure?" Kon said stuffing an entire cheese roll down his throat making me want to throw up *BANG* I hear the sound of the garage door opening and slamming shut. I turn around to see Corey have his arm around a tall blond beautiful girl "hey gang this is my girlfriend Sally" "h-he-hello" says Sally in small voice "hi! Sally it's nice to meet you" I said "hi" both kin and kon said at the same time.

Larry's POV
I started liking that laney girl from garbage-band I still hate that stupid band but something about that girl she's just so beautiful and amazing "okay girls practice is over for today does anyone wanna do something?" "No thanks Carrie I'm ,just gonna go on a walk to the park" "oh um yeah K see ya larrs" "yeah bye" I say leaving the garage.

Laney's POV
"Corey?..." Kon says in a whiny voice "yes kon you can have the last cheese wheel "YAY I LOVE YOU COREY!!!" "Well guys that's it for today what do wanna do now?" "Um actually I'm gonna go on a walk down the street" "k see ya tomorrow lanes" (I think that's how you spell that) "yep bye everyone oh and it was really nice meeting you Sally" "oh um ye-yes it was nice meets you to laney" I smile sweetly I really like that girl she's so nice. I walk out of the garage close and turn around to see Larry walking down the street. OH MY GOSH I can feel my face heating up and my heart thumping loudly like kon is playing the drums in my chest.

Larry's POV
I walk past garbage-band's place and I see laney walking out of the garage she turns around and now we're staring at each other her face was bright red and I see her go tense which made me also feel tense. "He-hello Larry" she said stuttering "hi" "so where are you headed?" She asked looking small and cute "I was just about to go to the park" "oh um s-so was i" oh great just what I need to feel awkward and sweaty right next to the person I like "oh you wanna walk together?" Sh*t why did I say that f**king idiot "do you mind?" "Not at all lets go" "okay". We started walking no one said anything for a while until she said "so um how have you been?" "Oh I've been good what about you?" "Good good I finally got over you know who" "wait you had a crush on voldamort" "she looked at me funny after I said that and then she started laughing so hard I've never seen her like this "you're really beautiful you know" what the heck did I just say I look at her and see her face is as red a tomato "I um oh th-thank you. you're quite cute yourself" OMG DID SHE REALLY JUST SAY THAT I feel my face heating up "oh ar-are you okay your bright red are you getting a fever?" She put the back of her hand on my forehead "woah you're really warm do you wanna go home or something?" "Oh um no I just it's really hot today" "but it's only fall it's still pretty cold out" I started to panic  "I um LOOK AT THE PRETTY DEER!!" I say pointing in some random direction hoping she'll look that way so I can run but then I remember she's really fricken smart "that won't work on me Larry what's wrong?" "Okay here goes nothing I really like you like more then a friend" oh my gosh I can't believe I actually just did that what if she hates me. It's quiet I look up and see laney's face redder then blood "I um I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or something I'm just gonna go" I start to turn around but laney grabs my and turns me back around to face her "I like you too" "wait like in a friend way or something" "no I mean in this way" I was confused for a second until I felt something warm on my lips oh my gosh she's actually kissing me. I slowly close my eyes. It feels amazing like a million fireworks going off at once or whatever it just felt right and I never wanted it to stop until I couldn't breath I separate my lips from hers "that was amazing" I say star struck " was" "do you wanna go out like in a boyfriend Girlfriend way" I say hoping she'll say yes "I'd love to" "oh yeah we were supposed to go to the park" "oh yeah well let's go then" "okay!" I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. And that was the day I meet my soon to be wife
The end

I really hope you liked that chapter there will be more where that came from but I don't have any ideas right now so if you have any requests I'll Write as soon as I possibly can but I do hope that was good  and again I'm really sorry about not updating for so long I try to update more love you all bye-bye 💕💕

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