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Always feared of being treated like a book

Once read, the next thrown away

Let them read all the chapters of my life

And they cried interpreting my dark days

But they never stay for long;

Instead they move onto the next.

Always feared of being viewed as a shield

Being used to be defended; yet all the bullets strike me

I didn't mind though; I still don't

But when the shield tatters, it's hurled away

And left alone to crumble away
.  .  .

Hey there! I hope y'all are having an amazing day. This poem is totally based on what I've been feeling lately. I hate when people use you for their purpose but later they don't even smile at us or help us when we need them. I've always been a TISSUE in some people's lives. And I'm sick of being that way. You guys may think I'm a stupid psycho but I know how it feels.
It feels real bad.
No matter what, I still have tons of amazing friends, including you. If you're reading this, then yeah! you're my best friend already. And I love you.

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