002 - Suggestion

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I bit my lip and turned to face the window.

"Man this sucks. I'mma have to be honest here. The world is going to shit. We lost almost everyone we loved and cared about." I started.

I continued to stare out of the window. I watched as the trees passed us by. I couldn't see any zombies and I was grateful for that.

"I mean like--theres no point in being depressed forever right?" I chuckled a pity laugh.

Who the hell was I kidding?

"Geez, listen to me would ya? I dunno man. I probably need to get laid to be honest. I've been so emotional and distant lately."

I crossed my arms behind my head and lay on them. I shut my eyes and closed off the world. All was turned off except for Yeosang


I chuckled at his 'getting laid' comment. I turned onto a dirt road looking at all the abandoned houses.

"Yeah I'm sure we all need to get laid but that won't fix the fact that the world is falling apart now. I mean yeah I'm sure it would be nice to let out some steam In the mist of everything going on."

But I mean that's what your hand is good for right?


I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

"That's exactly what I mean. Letting off some steam would be so good right now. Maybe it'll help with this attitude." I laughed.


"well dude it's only you and I from here on out so you might just have to use your hand, unless you want MY gayass to do something about it"

I laughed a little pushing at his buttons to see what he'd say. I dont think that anything in this world could make him want to do anything with me. We've been best friends since we were babies, as if he sees me as anything else. I sighed knowing that we have a long drive ahead of us, seeing nothing but cornfields now for miles.

Im pretty sure you're not even into guys Seonghwa.

I thought to myself as I noticed the sky darkening.


The air became thick after he said that. Something in me once again screamed out temptation. Was it lust? I gulped and turned to face Yeosang.

what is it? what are you trying to tell me?

I thought to myself. What the hell did I want? Him? No..we were best friends. And I wasn't attracted to boys.

"My hand isn't the real thing, Yeo. I-I dunno. But.." I started.

I couldn't find the right words. I felt as if everything became in slow motion. Here he was, driving and paying full attention to the road. And here I was paying full attention to him. I just stared at him for the longest time.

'what the hell is going on with me?'


I caught him looking at me in the corner of my eye and smirked.

"Yeah I know it's not the REAL thing but you know I'd do anything for my best friend even if it was just platonic sex."

I know if anyone else was in this vehicle with us they would probably think I was some hoe who would sleep with just anyone but that's not true. Im actually still a virgin but I care about Seonghwa so much and trust him with every fiber in my body that if he needed it, I would give it up to him. Hes that special to me even if we are just friends

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