"The Start and The End Of A War"

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On the other side of the border line, all the werewolves were fighting against the vampire army.

There were so many dead bodies laying on the ground from both sides,at this rate they were going to extinguish one another.

The King had seen enough,he couldn't allow this war to continue.


He commanded them and in an instant the war stopped.

Meanwhile The Wizard approached King William asking...

The Wizard:"William,why did you stop them?What do you have in mind?"

The King turned his head towards calm but a bit worried Wizard and said..

King William:"I have an idea."

The King whispered so that only the Wizard could hear and then he turned towards the armies of vampires and werewolves saying..

King William:"If the commander and head of the vampire army is so strong and believes that he can kill all of us... than I guess he will have no problem fighting against only one of us,right?
Commander come forward. Let's get this war done and over with once and for all!"

When The King said those words, it was as though everyone and everything stopped, but nevertheless the commander of the vampire army came forward.

The vampires commander:"I am the Commander,now who's the unfortunate prick that's going up against me.I'd love to meet him so that I kill him in an instant."

The commander said looking down on the werewolf soldiers standing in front of him.

After he said that a lot of werewolves took a step forward trying to reach him and kill in the spot and a lot of vampires snarled in satisfaction at their commander's words.

Before things could get out of control again The King spoke.

King William:"It's 'Your Higness' to you commander.I'm William,The King of Sunlight Kingdom,but I believe you already knew that."

The vampires commander:"I don't care who you are!Now tell me who my opponent is.I'm very curious to know who'll die by my own hands."

King William:"I'm sure you are,but it won't be that easy."

Said The King as he took a few steps forward towards the commander of the vampires and when he was only 2 feet away from him,The King said...

King William:"I introduce you to your adversary."

The vampires commander:"Who?You?!You have got to be kidding me."

King William:"I hope you are not to afraid of fighting against me."

The vampires commander:"I'd never be afraid of a weakling that wears a title."

Said the commander trying to win time and trying to weaken his opponent by getting under his skin.

King William:"Talks the one that has a title himself.You see if I didn't know any better I'd think you're trying to stall your own death,am I right?Never mind I don't need your answer,I've had enough,seeing my people being killed by you,so I'm challenging you to fight me."

The vampires commander:" I don't want to fight you,choose another one to fight instead of you."

King William:"I guess you're right,you should fight someone your own size. Alright then,before I choose your opponent there's one condition. Whoever wins,takes everything, including this place. Are you in?"

(The commander's thoughts:"Sh**,I wasn't prepared for a one on one battle.I didn't even dring enough blood and without knowing against who I'm going to fight,there's no way I can predict how this will end for me.
Damn it!I can't refuse or else they'll think I'm a coward.")

King William:"Are you in Commander?"

(The commander's thoughts:"Think you idiot,think...")

The vampires commander:"Yes, I accept, but first allow me to introduce to you my best soldier."

The commander said calling for one of his soldiers,then he said...

The vampires commander:"Now you can start."

King William:"NO!I accepted the part where you didn't want to fight against me cause it would be unfair,but there's no way you're getting out of this one, you and only you will fight against my best warrior,Alpha Greg.You'll fight against him,or else I'll wipe you and all your soldiers out of the face of this world."

The vampires commander:"Fine!"

Not even a minute after the fight had started,that's as fast as it ended.
The Alpha decapitated The Vampires Commander in one simple clean move.

King William:"As you all can see your commander is dead,this place is now ours,so I suggest you to leave this instance and NEVER come back."

Defeated the vampires bowed at The King,then used their speed disappearing into the mist of the night.

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See you in the next chapter.

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