Chapter 1.

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The street was dead. No one around. It must have been around midnight. I don't know where I am , or where I'm going but I have no control over my feet. I see someone , a man? I can't tell everything is a blur. He looks like a shadow. He starts running, out of the the big mall. The mall my mom work's in.

I start hearing sirens. What the hell is going on. someone runs out the mall chasing the blur figure. It's a lady.

It's my mom. What is she doing! What is happening. Without thinking I chase after her. I still hear the sirens but no police car. Before I could even blink my eyes the guy stops running and turns around holding a gun pointing straight for my mom. I stopped in my footsteps. Only 2 inches away from my mom. I yelled out for her but she didn't hear me. I yelled for him to stop but he didn't notice me. It was like, like I wasn't even there.

Then he shot her and the sound echoed in my head.


" Lori? LORI, get going it's your last day of school, can't be late. "

I pick my head off of my dresser table I guess I must of fell asleep for 10 minutes waiting for jess to call me. why did I have another dream about my mother? These dreams come every night but in a different way my mother was murdered.

She died 1 year ago on September 6 , 2012 just before my birthday. It will never be the same without her , She helped me threw my sister's death but I have no one to help me threw her's. She went missing and the cops couldn't find her, since they couldn't find her they declared her dead in 6 months , no one knows how she died. I can't control my mind. I Have a dream's about her every time I close my eyes.

" okay dad! " I yell downstairs to him from my room.

I was already dressed, waiting for jess to call but I guess she forgot I'll just meet her at her house. I'm grab my bag and ran downstairs before I be late to school.

" see you later dad" I grab my car keys and leave. I jump in my shitty car.

It's shitty but at least it still runs. The wind feels good , blowing hair out my face. I drive to Jessica house who lives down the block and is to lazy to meet me in front of my house every morning. I pull up and see jess in a cute light blue dress, just above her knees. She looks so pretty while me , I'm dressed in jeans that go just below my knees a Black spaghetti strap shirt and my vans.

" Hurry and get in before were late. "

" okay, okay but I don't really want to be seen in this junk on the last day" I can see her smiling.

" and every other day doesn't make a difference, get in or walk" I start laughing and she jumps in the car.

I can't stop thinking about my dream. Tonight's dream was My mom getting shot. I can't take this anymore. At least I have Jess to distract me during the car ride.

We get to school about 20 mins later still early , since we don't start school till 9. Me and Jess don't have many classes together which sucks. We only have 4th and 6th period together. 4th being science and 6 lunch. I head to my first class which is math and take a seat towards the middle close to the back. The teacher walks in, Everyone takes a seat and he turns off the lights.

" So as you know, today is that last day of school and most of you are going to be going to collage next year so CONGRATULATIONS! and what better way to end the last day then watching a movie? were watching " The Call" enjoy."

I must have watched this movie about 20 times. It's one of my favorite movies. What is about 20 mins Lefted of the movie I feel myself falling asleep, I lay my head down and close my eyes.

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