Chapter 4.

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I lay on the bed in shocked. When Harry Come's Running into the room and wrapping his arms around me.

" WHAT THE HELL LORI , ARE YOU OKAY ! WHAT HAPPENED ! " He practically yell's in my ear and I try to pull away because after what just happened the last thing I want is to be yelled at.

" No,  I'm sorry for screaming don't pull away. Just tell me what happened. " He trys to calm down but I could tell he is upset. I could tell he is trying so hard to calm himself down and I appreciate that because that's hard for Harry. If you know my brother at all you know he has no patience.

I still haven't answered him. I don't wanna talk to anyone right now. Today had been such a fucked up day, The dreams about my mom and sister. Beatrice and her annoying self and now almost getting rapped. I could never have a good time.

I decide to talk to Harry just because i'm curious on how he got here and how he found out.

" how... did you... know I was up here. " I say almost as a whisper practically dragging each word out of my mouth.

" I was already at scotts party. Amber invited me and I had nothing better to do. We were all dancing having a good time when some guy came running down stairs with blood on his hands. I got worried and That's when I seen jess, I asked her where you were and she said you was at this party. So I came upstairs looking for you and I find this. What happened Lori!? who is this guy bleeding on the floor. "

" He... tried to rape me " I finally said.

And that is exactly what ticked Harry off. He flew off of me so fast and went aiming straight for the guy on the floor with his fist in the air. Harry began punching him so hard I was scared that Harry might actually kill this man. He was already passed out and Harry hitting him on top of that could leave this man in a not so good shape. Even though this is what the guy deserved I couldn't watch this any longer. I stood up and pushed my way in front of Harry.

I grab both of his hands and scream at him to stop. He slowly backed away and stared at me. He Lefted the man a broken nose and I'm not sure what else. I can't stay at this party any longer so i take off my heels a start running. I could hear Harry's footsteps behind me. 

I head downstairs and only a few people noticed me. I ignore everyone and continued running. I hear jess yell my name in a distance but I can't turn around. My feet hand taken control and it wanted to get far away from that house and from everyone it could possibly get. I stop running and take a seat at the park I used to go to as a kid. It Was only a couple of blocks away from scotts house so it didn't take me long to get here. I remember how I always came here when I was sad , upset or indecisive about things. It helped me clear my mind and think. No one ever knew about this place only me and my mom.

When I was upset or wasn't home for hours she would always know  where to find me. It wasn't like I had any other place to go. I''ve been coming to this park for 10 years now. Before it was abandoned it was a actual park. Me,  Kate and Harry used to play here all the time as kids. Then they shut the park down because they wanted to make it a better park but I guess they forgot because 7 years later and the park is still shutdown. Everyone had forgotten about this place but a part of me never has and never will.

Although the park is abandoned it still looks so beautiful. I come here every other weekend and rake the grass , and clean the beaches, scrub the bird poop off the swings and pick up all the unnecessary trash people toss in here while walking by. It's a lot of work for one teenage girl,  but this park was apart of me. It was the only thing Lefted that attached me to my mother and I wasn't going to let it slip away.

I continued to sit in the park thinking about how was I going to get home when I lives 20 minutes away by car and 45 minutes walking. I still didn't have any shoes on and it began to get a little chilly like it usually does at 11ish at night. I shrugged my shoulders and began to clear my mind. Once i'm relaxed i''ll call Harry to pick me up. I Lefted my bag at scott house but thank God I put my phone in my bra like jess told me to.

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