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~10 months later~

Y/n's POV

Ever since the whole incident that happend with the accident, Daniel has been by my side. He broke with Ashely and Im glad that she didnt get mad and say mean threats. She was a very nice girl and we still stay in touch cuz we became friends. Me and Daniel was getting ready for this "special" date that he had been planning for awhile. I put on a red sparkly strapless dress that stopped at my knees. I leave my hair curly, I put on mascara, red lipgloss, and red sparkly 5inch heels. I put on my big red hoop earrings, red nail polish, and white and red bangles. I grab my red clutch and phone. I go downstairs to see Daniel in a all white tux and he looked sexy! When Daniel saw me his eyes grew wide and his mouth almost touch the floor.

Y/n: U like?

Daniel: Dayummm!!!! U look sexy babe! I love it. *pecks lips*

We go outside and I see a hummer limo.

Y/n: Awww! Babe...

Daniel: U like?

Y/n: No. I love it!

He smiles and helps me into the limo. The driver shuts our door and then he drove to the destination that Daniel told him to go.

Daniel's POV

Im alittle nervous because at sundown Ima have Y/n forever!

Y/n's POV

The whole ride we were joking around, talking, making out for like 10mins, flirting, and getting freaky in the back. If u noe what I mean lol. We stop at the beach and Daniel helps me out the car. While we walk down to the beach I see a table with roses around it making a heart and a candle lit. There was a guy playing the piano and it was just romantic. We ordered our food and just talked. Then sundown was coming and they took the table away. Me and Daniel stood in the heart made out of roses. Daniel gets on one knee and I smile big.

Daniel: Y/n, u were an amazing girlfriend and the bullshit I put u through, u were always there for me. U were my fan and we ended up as lovers just by talking. I love u sooooo much and I want to be with u forever and have kids of our own. I want to make love with u every night and treat u like my queen. So what Im trying to say is Y/n Mn (Mn= Middle name) Ln, will u marry me?

I was sooo speechless that I began to cry.

Y/n: Yes! Yes I will marry u!

Daniel slid the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. Then out of no where I see my family, Daniels family, my besties, and Ashely come and congratulate us. My parents and Daniel parents were in tears. We all celebrated and this was a magical night. Me and Daniel danced the night away just whispering nasty stuff and saying I love u. 

Daniel: How does it feel to be a Mrs.Simmons?

Y/n: Great!

Daniel: U noe I have been waiting my whole life to marry u?

Y/n: Well...I knew that when we were 18 years old. *smiles*

Daniel: Im glad Ima have u in my life forever. *smiles then passionately kisses Y/n*

Im so glad that me and Daniel I gonna spend the rest of our lives together. Forever. ❤❤❤❤

Thats the end of my story. I love this story and make sure y'all share this story cuz Im sure they gonna love this story. 

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