Part 1

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Olivia Bensons POV

It was about eleven o'clock by the time I left the precinct, it was Friday night so I decided to go to the bar down the street for a drink. When I got to the bar Fin, John, and Elliot, were sitting at a table in the back left corner. So I walked over and joined them, ordering a shot of straight tequila after I sat down. After a hour, at least I think it was an hour of laughter and more shots then I should have had, but who cares it's a Friday night and I'm with all my friends, honestly I could spend the rest of my life this way. I decided that it was time for me to get home, and I guess Elliot must have noticed that I was just a shade wobbly on my feet, so he hailed a cab and took me to my apartment. We sat on the couch and watched a movie when he turned so quickly that the next thing I know is that he is on top of me. I look up into his eyes and see that there is a mischievous grin on his face and I can't help myself from grinning back. What could go wrong?

Elliot Stablers POV

I had been careful not to drink too many drinks because I knew that Olivia had had a hard week at work and was most likely to have more drinks then she should. So, after some time, she got up and said her good byes and I helped her get back to her apartment on the lower east side of Manhattan. I put a movie from the shelf into the DVD player, not caring what movie I happened to grab. Olivia was on my left and leaning on my shoulder watching the movie intently. Oh, did I love her so much, hopefully she returns the feeling or my next move is going to be a total screw up.

Real quickly I turned grabbing both her shoulders in my hands, and gently laying her down on her back in one swift motion. Looking down into her beautiful face I couldn't help myself from letting a grin flash across me face, and by the way she looked at me and grinned back I knew my move was not a failure and that she did indeed return my feelings.

Olivia POV

I couldn't stop myself Elliot is so handsome, so gorgeous, and I have him all to myself for the rest of the night. He started to lean down for a kiss but i put my hands up on his chest to stop him. Whispering "Not here, in there." I nod my head towards an open door which leads to my bedroom. This apartment of mine isn't super fancy but it does have a king size bed which is just perfect for me and El. Once Elliot understood what i had meant he scooped me up into his arms and caring me to my room. The touch of his hand on the back of my legs feeling like i was on fire, just pure searing flames of electricity that flowed through every crevice of my body, no man had ever made me feel this way before. Elliot set me down on the bed gently and crossed the room, closed the door and dimmed the lights.

Elliots POV

Right after i picked her up into my arms she shivered from what I don't know, but man did she feel good to hold. After the lights were almost off, I lit a candle that was on her bed side table.

"Olivia are you ready? Are you sure you want to do this? I love you more then anyone in this world and I always have loved you, and I always will love you" I meant every single word I said. She was my heart and soul, she was my reason for living. She says,

"Yes, hon, I've been dreaming about this for a long time, I was just worried that you didn't return my feeling but now I know. Yes, I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

"Shall i take off my own clothes or would you like to help?"

At that she jumped up off the bed and walked over a few steps to me. Slipping her hands under my shirt, she lifted pulling my shirt over my head, then running her hands down my chest and abbs. Then her hands lower and she is un buckling my belt, and i let my pants fall to the ground.

Olivias POV

This can't be real, there is no way this is actually happening right now! But, here I am standing with the man i love right in front of me in nothing but his boxers. I guess it was only fair that if i got to undress him that he should be allowed to undress me.

"Ok, sweetie it's your turn." I say.

He then starts unbuttoning my black blouse from the top down, slow and purposefully. Once he had undone all the buttons he slipped my blouse off my shoulders and tossed it onto the pile of his discarded clothes on the floor. He then proceeded to slip his hand under the waste line of my suit pants and lower them. I carefully stepped out of them making sure not to fall in front of my lover because that would be my luck. Elliot stepped back away from me and ran his eyes up and down my body, leaving goose bumps in their wake. I took this opportunity to look him over too. He was so strong, so solid, so safe, so perfect from his head to his feet.

I wake up the next morning with the early morning sun shining through my open window curtains. The bed next to me is empty and after having Elliot right next to me all night I suddenly felt cold, but the feeling didn't last because right then my lover walked into the room carrying a tray full of delicious food. I sat up leaning my back against the head rest of the bed. When I did so

El grinned at me and I looked down wondering why he was grinning and i realized that i was not wearing anything and that my chest was exposed. I scrambled to cover myself with the blanket only causing myself to blush even more. Wow what a fool I was, I could do some naughty things in bed with him but then be embarrassed by this. Then, El came over leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and whispered,

"Babe, you were amazing last night I never knew you could feel that way, feel so good, feel so tight around me, you were awesome, I love you. But it's time to go to work honey, you need to get ready now."

He watched me as I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet and got dressed.

Elliots POV

Together we walked out the door, I'd never been in such a good mood as I was right now. We arrived at the precinct and worked till around eight o'clock. During the taxi ride back to Livs apartment we stopped at a CVS and she picked up a pack of pregnancy tests. When we arrived at the apartment Olivia went to the bathroom to complete the pregnancy test. I sat on the couch, waiting for her to come out, and when she did she was all smiles.

"It's positive! We are going to have a child! I'm going to be a mother, and you're going to be a father! What are we going to name it?"

"Slow down dear, there's no need to rush we have plenty of time in the future to figure this out."

I lean down and our lips lock and she drops the test and places her hands on the back of my neck pulling me in tighter, closer to her, so I could feel her chest against mine. I closed my eyes and let my heart take control.

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