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Olivias POV

I could feel his gloved hand as he pulled down my panties. I knew he was going to rape me and there was no way I could stop him. He was so much stronger and my hands were bound. I cried harder at the realization of this.
The masked man placed his hands on each of my shoulders and lowered himself so that he was straddling my waste. He removed his gloves, his hands were colder then the gloves. Sending shivers of fear down to my core every time he touched me. He lifted my chin up and kissed me, I tried to pull away but if I succeeded my head would smash into the cold tile wall behind my body.
"Mmmm, you are so sweet Olivia, you are going to give me what my past four wives couldn't, your so sexy, so beautiful, bare for me, I'm going to give to you what Elliot never will be able to and you are going to enjoy every last bit of it."
At that, he moved his hips lower and spread my legs further apart then they already were. I could feel him just seconds away from penetrating me. Right then I just wished he would get it done and over with instead of making me suffer. He kept moving lower and lower until I felt him at my entrance, when there was a loud bang and the door swung open and my lover came rushing into the bathroom. I closed my eyes, not wanting Elliot to see how much damage this man had caused me.
With one swift shot Elliot had killed my assailant. He instantly dropped his gun after firing the one shot and I could see that he was in tears at the horrific scene before him.
"Oh dear God, holy Father, how could you let this happen to my lover? Why her, I know she is strong but why her?" He whispers quietly under his breath.
He rushes over to me and pulls the body off of on top of me and tosses it aside.
"Jesus Christ what happened to you Liv?"

Elliots POV

I looked over at the man and saw that his pants were down, then back at Olivia leaning naked against the wall, bound and bloodied. Oh no he raped her.
"Liv did that sick bastard r-r-rape you?"
She shook her head to shocked and scared to say anything she just nodded no.
"E-El, w-w-who is-s he-e-e? She whispers to me.
I stand up from next to her and walk over to the man who had tried to rape my Livie-love. I removed the face mask and I nearly fainted because I would recognize him any where.

It was John Munch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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