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That's the 8th book of this shitshow finished

Each book has 200 chapters, that means there's 1600 parts to this in total

Don't worry (as if you are) I will be doing a 9th book (and probably a 10th and an 11th and a 12th and I won't stop ever until there's like 184829 books in this)

I'm gonna publish the 9th book straight away after I publish this part, so you don't have to wait

Thank you so so soooo much for reading this mess and for those who comment and vote for this, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH it really does mean so much to me
(Special shoutout to ArianaArmy13 💜💜 )

I purple you all💜💜💜

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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