
752 3 0

abandon discard vacate

accord agree grant

adversity difficulty misfortune

affluent plentiful rich

aggravate annoy infuriate

alleviate lighten mitigate

amenable agreeable favorable

anguish distress sorrow

apathetic dispirited lifeless

arrogant disdainful imperious

astonish confound overwhelm

atrocious appalling detestable

augment add enlarge

avoid ignore shun

awkward graceless inept

baffle confuse deceive

banal common plain

barren desolate sterile

berate criticize disapprove

betray deceive fool

bias inclination predisposition

bitter acrid sour

blend combine mix

bliss happiness joy

bluff boast feign

bold daring fearless

bonus award gift

bother annoy irritate

brief concise short

brilliant clever intelligent

brisk fast swift

budget allot plan

candid honest truthful

caricature cartoon imitation

casual informal natural

category classification division

cease desist stop

chaotic disordered messy

cherish esteem love

circumvent avoid go around

commemorate celebrate honor

compensate balance recompense

competent able capable

conceive design plan

confirmation acknowledgement proof

contradict deny oppose

contribution donation grant

courteous polite well-mannered

craving desire longing

credulous confident trustful

damp moist wet

dare challenge defy

decay decline rot

decent honorable pure

dense filled packed

designate name select

detain hold keep

disclose announce reveal

dogma belief view

durable constant lasting

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2008 ⏰

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