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Steve was walking to school with his earbuds in, his mind in a different place as he looked around.

Suddenly he felt arms wrap around him, causing him to almost drop his stuff as he turned around. 

"Steve! You should realize that it's me by now", Sharon exclaimed, letting go of him as they continue to walk.

Steve smiled when he saw her. "Hey Shar. And I should. You do it enough times."

Sharon laughed as they walk in the school, mentally thanking all the forces of Earth that no one had tried to pick on Steve.

But soon, Rumlow and his cronies came and pushed Steve. "Move aside Carter. We got unfinished business with Mr. America here.", he spat, pushing Sharon into Rollins's arms as he dragged Steve away.

"Let me go!", Sharon exclaims as she struggling in Rollins's grip before breaking out and pushing him away.

Jack spit on the ground. "Didn't your Aunt teach you anything about staying away when you're supposed to?".

Sharon laughed at Jack. "Nah. She didn't. Even so, I won't stand still. And if you touch me again, my aunt will be the last thing you have to worry about". She glared at him, satisfied when Jack scurried off. She turned around, before running off in the direction that Rumlow dragged Steve in.


Meanwhile, Rumlow and his cronies continued to punch Steve as he tried to fight back, spitting out blood as the attackers laughed.

"You ready to give up?", Rumlow asked, laughing.

Steve stood back up and shook his head. "I can do this all day.", He said before trying to punch the others, who just pinned him to the wall before Rumlow started punching him again.

Soon, Steve was getting tired of the punching, but was not expecting to hear a voice say,"Hey! Leave him alone!.".

Steve groaned. He did not need some jerk butting in. But he was quickly let down as Rumlow talked to the stranger. He took that time to gather his stuff and start to walk away.

Soon, the stranger caught up with him and said. "Hey. Are you okay?", running in front of him and turning to look at him.

"I'm fine. I had him on the ropes.",  Steve muttered continuing to walk, the stranger running after him. 

"I got to admit, I didn't think I would see a punk getting beat up on my first day. Anyway, I'm Bucky. What's your name? I can't keep calling you punk in my head.", he asked, smiling at Steve, who muttered, "Steve". 

"Ok Stevie. Nice to meet you. Anyway, what's your first class?", he asked, throwing his arm around Steve's shoulders. 

"English with Ms. Hill.", Steve responded, looking up at Bucky. 

Bucky grinned. "Awesome. Let's go together.", he said, his arm still around Steve. 

Steve chuckled and smiled a little at Bucky as they walked to class.


Sharon grimaced as she looked around, trying to find Steve. She continued to run before she crashed into someone and fell. 

"Shit.", she muttered, quickly getting up and seeing a red haired girl smirking at her and extending her hand. "Hello. Natasha.", the girl says helping her up. 

Sharon smiled at her. "Sharon", she says, shaking Natasha's hand before asking. "You haven't seen, by any chance, a kid getting dragged by some asshats, have you?".

Natasha chuckled as she shook her head. "Nah. But I did see the new kid start chattering to him as they walked inside.

Sharon laughed. "Was he moping around like usual?", She asked, laughing even harder when Natasha nodded.

Soon, the warning bell rang, and Natasha said. "Crap. Got to go to class. See ya soon.", before running off.

Sharon stayed where she was for a minute, processing what had happened before running quickly to class.

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