Chapter One

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Tyler's POV

It hasn't been long since I last saw Troye, really only a matter of weeks, but those few weeks felt like an eternity to be away from my best friend. The last time I saw Troye, everything was okay. We were dispelling the Troyler rumors; telling our viewers that we had talked about the prospect of making Troyler canon, but had decided that, in the end, we liked being best friends too much to risk developing a long distance relationship.

But oh how I wish we were together... there’s no way Troye would ever go for it; there were too many conflicting components in our lives for it to really work. We’d kinda briefly talked about it, but it became so awkward that we’d quickly moved on to a different topic of conversation, not wanting to point out all of the reasons why it wouldn’t work.  As much as I want Troye and I to be together, he needs someone his own age, someone he can experience the first love feelings with, someone he can experiment with both physically and emotionally. First loves are always tricky, and usually end in heartbreak. That’s not what I wanted for us, if we ever became us anyway.

He needed someone who would be available to travel with him while on tour for TRXYE, someone who isn't just his best friend and "mentor like figure" (although in all truthfulness, sometimes it feels as though Troye has taught me so much more than I have him). He needed someone who wasn’t so far in the “friend-zone” that they’d had to make a public announcement of how not “together” they were… how them becoming cannon was the farthest thing from ever being a reality.

Yet, despite knowing all this, I’m still in love with him.

Ugh shut up Tyler, get a grip! He's your best friend, and he's going to be here in a few hours! You can't be all "hopelessly in love with him" and emotional while he's here! You need to get a hold of yourself before you reveal your feelings to him and screw everything up!

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, perking up a bit at the announcement over the PA, telling me Troye’s flight had just landed. These next few weeks are going to take a heck of lot of concentration and self control. I sighed to myself. Oh well, I thought, at least I get to see my best friend, even if it means I'll have to keep hiding my feelings from him.

It was with that final thought that I found myself wandering over to the arrival gates, standing on tippy toes in the hopes of locating my internet bestie over the crowd of waiting friends, families and lovers of other travel-goers.

Troye's POV

I was asleep in my seat when I was rudely awoken by the sound of the captain’s voice being blared out of the overhead speakers.

“We are now beginning our descent into LA. Please be sure your seatbelts are fastened and that your seats and tray tables are in the upright and locked position. On behalf of myself and the entire crew, we thank you for flying with International Airlines and hope you enjoy your stay here in Los Angeles."

"Ughhh" I groaned as I started getting ready for landing. What is that stiffness in my back? Why do airplanes have to be so uncomfortable, and why don't they have Nutella and free wifi?!

It's been a very long flight, and I'm slightly relieved to know that soon I'll be landing and that soon I’ll be through customs, luggage in hand and hailing a taxi to a hotel I’d booked near Tyler’s apartment.


I can't believe I'm seeing him in a day or so! How on earth am I going to be able to get any recording work done when Tyler is in the same city? Oh ok fine, I'll admit it, that is the main reason I wanted to do so much of my work in LA, but still, now that the time has come, I don't know if I can stand being around him this much, when he made it very clear to not only me, but all of our fans, that he only viewed me as a friend, and that the whole "Troyler kiss" was just for them and the Trevor Project. 

I just feel so torn. I don't want to be without him, without my Tilly, but I don't know if I can stand being around him if he's not mine, if there isn't even a shred of hope.

I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I thought, as I made my way through the sliding doors in front of me, and out into the waiting area of the arrivals lounge. I huffed in frustration as I started weaving between people, standing on my toes in search of the taxi rank.


Is that a green quiff?!

"TROYE" Tyler yelled as he ran over so me and swept me up into massive warm hug. 


I laughed, my suitcase falling from my grasp as he swung me around.

"I've missed you Tilly." I said, as he set me back down, hugging his warm body to mine and inhaling the scent of his familiar cologne.

It was good to be back.


Okay y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there wil definitely be more to come! (BTW sorry this was basically all their thoughts, and no dialogue yet, but I'll get into that later!) Please leave comments with suggestions, and stay fabulous!



(Edited by aussietroylerfangirl)

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