|Okay you both are 14 years old and this is a twin au|
Tko is pretty well known in school, Well..known for being a bully to be exact. Tko always picked on you and teased you every single day, He was always a jerk but soon later you find out he's...
I drew that picture at the top, Do you like it? ÓwÒ.
______ TKOS POV I can't see..
Darkness just surrounded my whole body..
I feel weak..
I can't..
I opened my eyes and I saw I was in a room..my arms were wrapped up..where am I..?
I was able to get up but it was hard since my arms were wrapped up. My head feels a little light..
I tried to unwrap my arms but then someone came in, Didn't know there was a door here.
"Hey little mutt" They spoke.
It was zack
"Look I hate you but can please let me out?" I pleaded for some reason hoping it would work.
"Tsk, Do you really think I'll let you out? You deserve to get locked up." Zack said. I gritted my teeth.
"By the way someone wants to meet you" Zack smirked. What was he planning?
"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's y/n, she wants to talk to you" Zack responded.
He slowly unwrapped my arms and put a leash chain around my neck. What am I a dog?
"Why would you put a Leash chain on me? It's not like I'm going to run away." I asked
"Everyone says that and they escape, try to do anything stupid and you will get tased." Zack responded. I rolled my eyes.
We got to the Lunch area to talk to other people and I saw y/n with a bandage on her left eye..
Oh yeah forgot I shot her..
Zack took off the leash chain, I ran up to her expecting her to hug me when I was about to hug her. But she pushed me..
"Don't expect me to hug a psycho path" she spoke. I look at her in shock.
"w-what..?" I stuttered, she looked at me if I was stupid.
"I KNOW YOU KILLED YOUR BROTHER" she yelled, which made me jump.
She found out..
"I know.. you killed other people.." y/n said.
"H-how did you find out..?" I stuttered sweating.
She threw a file on the table. She kept looking at me.
I looked at the file..where did she get this from..? WHO THE HELL WROTE A FILE ABOUT ME?!
"WHO WROTE THIS?!" I yelled. Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at me.
"Zack gave it to me but I don't know who wrote it" she said.
Zack..? Why..?
I turned to Zack and he was freaking smirking at me. He wrote it.
"So your a female huh?" She said. I started to sweat a lot.
"I- um.." I didn't know what to say..
"That doesn't really matter about your gender knowing I'm pansexual (if your not pansexual just for the sake of the story your pansexual..sorry ówò) But what does bother me is that why would you kill people?" She asked
"I-i can't control myself.." I stuttered. She looked at me confused.
"What do you mean..?" She asked worried.
"I can't.. *chokes on sob*" I began to cry.
She got up and hugged me, she started to comfort me. This made me blush madly.
"Look relax, Calm down.." she comfort me.
This made me calm down.
"I can't control when he's around." I said. She looked at me confused.
"Who..?" She asked.
"Sko" I spoke. She looked at me in shocked. ______
"T..teddy? Are you okay..?" She asked.
"Oh hey darling~ hEHHEHEHE" he began to laugh.
"Your not teddy! WHO ARE YOU?!" She yelled
"Tsk I'm not your darling teddy, I'm..s.k.o" he smirked.
"GRRRR WHERES TEDDY!? BRING HIM BACK!" She yelled. Hitting him. Didn't really affect him.
He grabbed her and threw her across the room.
"Tsk, your weak like always" he teased, she began to cry.
"UGH YOUR SO MEAN!" She yelled. He just rolled his eyes.
He went up to her and kicked her down.
"You need to learn how to fight pit squeak" he spoke. ______
"S-sko..? He's still inside you..?" She stuttered nervous.
"Y..yeah.." I stuttered.Why was she so nervous?
"I though he left.." she spoke.
"Okay your time is up time to go back to your room" Zack spoke.
"Y/n I have to go..I'll miss you.." I told her, I went up to her and calmly kissed her on the forehead.
She giggled and i smiled at her.
"I'll see you later or maybe tomorrow" y/n spoke. I smiled at her and walked to zack ______
"So tell me about yourself TKO" the council spoke.
I felt kinda awkward so I just stood quiet
"Oh you must be shy. it's okay take your time." The council smiled.
He kinda creeps me out.
"I-I have schizophrenia.." I told him. I don't know what to say so I just said that.
"Ah! Now that's the thing I would like to talk about." The council said.
"As your normal life what do you do during your spare time?" He spoke.
"I-I talk.. to my friend.." I stuttered.
"Huh who's your friend?" He asked.
"Her name is iris and she's 23" I responded.
"Does she live with you?" He asked again.
"Yeah she sleeps under my bed" I mumbled.
"Okay..can you draw me a picture of iris..?" Council spoke.
I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and couple of crayons. I started to draw me and iris together.
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|what Tko drew^|
I gave the council the drawing and he looked at it in shocked.
"O-oh no.." ________
Sorry if you waited too long for the chapter ;3; I've been pretty busy lately