Chapter 11

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"Jacob" he was brought out of his thoughts by seeing a very hurt looking Bella walking towards him, her fucking vamp boyfriend sitting in his stupid Volvo as he watched Bella walk towards the frowning shifter, his hand on the door in case he needed to intervene.

"Yes Bella" he asked though he was distracted, seeing his Brooke run around the corner before his sensitive hearing could pick up her doing something around there. What the hell was his girl doing?

"I was wondering why you didn't invite me to the bonfire" she asked, sounding hurt as she did so. She couldn't help but feel jealous; I mean why didn't he invite her? It was only a few days ago that he was begging to spend every day with her, but since he had met this…freak he hadn't even looked her way! What was wrong with him?

"It's…a reservation thing" Jacob stated nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he did so. Truthfully he just didn't want her to come, not because he had suddenly stopped liking her but because around her they had to sensor and edit all of their conversations so they didn't give anything about the pack or wolves away.

"What so no outsiders?" she asked with a frown, she had been to the beach loads of times not to mention heard the legends and such.

"Yea" he breathed, relief evident in his tone until her next comment threw him off track.

"But that Brooke girl is an outsider and you barely know her" Bella protested, shunning away slightly as Jacob glared when she said the freaks name with distain. What the hell? Jacob never glared at her, only looked at her with pure longing but even that wasn't visible anymore. She knew she was losing him and she wouldn't allow it, maybe she should flirt a bit to keep him interested. It may sound cruel, but she had done it before and it worked.

"Brookes…different" he stated uneasily, though it quickly turned into a grin when he saw his imprint coming around the corner…on a bike. Where in the hell did she get a bike from? He didn't seem to hear as Bella continuously calling his name, only to follow his gaze and sneer at the girl approaching.

"So can I come, I miss you Jake?" she asked, adding extra hurt into her tone as she did so. With Victoria after her and such she needed all the friends she could get, Edward and his family offered protection but the people on the Res were like family to her, well apart from the bitch Leah and some of the others…but other than that she was close to them.

"Sure, sure Bella" he stated, not really paying attention to what he was saying as his angel approached him, a little windswept as she hopped off the bike.

"Hey sweetness" she beamed, looking at Bella with a slight frown before shrugging and kissing Jacob softly on the lips, ignoring Bella's expression as she trudged her way back to Edward.

"Hey, why do you have a bike?" Jacob asked as he took it from her before she could even try and put it in the bed of the truck, refusing to risk having her pull something while doing it. Once it was in he helped her into the truck before heading back to La Push, watching as she put her bag on the back seats before putting her seat belt on much to his relief.

"I needed to get home and to school this morning" she stated, hoping he would leave it at that but by the frown of confusion on his face she knew he was going to push it. He wasn't going to like her answer but she wasn't going to lie to him, unless it was a life threatening situation she never would.

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