Chapter 33

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Brooke was in the middle of decorating a vanilla sponge cake when there was a knock at the door, her eyes glazing over for a few brief seconds before a frown graced her normally bright features.

Putting down the marzipan roses she had been arranging on the layer of buttercream frosting she hesitantly wiped her hands clean on a cloth before approaching the door with small steps. She knew exactly who it was and wanted nothing to do with them right now. She had been having a good day; she didn't want it to be ruined so soon.

Knowing that she couldn't simply stand there all day due to him knowing that she was in since not only was there music playing, but he had clearly seen her through the window when she was swaying to the beat of the sensual tune.

Not to mention she wasn't a coward.

Swallowing thickly she hesitantly shuffled her way towards the door, wishing that instead of it being a school day it was a weekend. She wanted Jacob with her; he was her protector and her rock. She couldn't wait for the summer holidays to arrive; the quicker they arrived the better as far as she was concerned.

Steeling her mind for anything bad that may occur she resisted looking into the future, knowing that it would most likely end in disaster. She didn't know why exactly, but she had learned to follow and accept her instincts a long, long time ago and they had never failed her before.

With that she took a deep breath before opening the door, coming face to face with the man that had caused her so much emotional pain the last time they had met..

"What can I do for you, Old Quil?" she asked; her tone slightly cautious as she took in the elderly man in front of her. Why was he here? Couldn't he leave her alone?

"Brooke" he greeted, looking incredibly uncomfortable. "May I come in?"

Shrugging Brooke stepped aside after a moment's thought and allowed him into her wolfs home, glancing up at the clock before sighing in relief. It wouldn't be that long until Jacob got home, just encase something did happen.

Old Quil watched gilt ridden as the small girl propped the door open with a door stand, taking advantage of the rarely warm air before making a move to switch off the radio. When he had approached the house and saw her baking in the window with an airy smile on her face he couldn't help but take in how innocent she looked. It only made him hate himself more.

"So" Brooke started, "if you're looking for Jacob he's at school still and if you're looking for Billy he has gone to Sue's. He should be back in a few hours though." she blurted out, vaguely hoping that was the reason behind his visit. One could hope.

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