In an instant.

11 0 0

It was dark, humid, and silent. I was flat on the ground as my body ached with pain. I gathered up enough strength to lift my head. I saw my home, demolished all around me. Pictures, memories, broken, all of our belongings stolen. It was complete disaster. I let my head fall back onto the floor, I squeezed my eyes shut as a tear ran down my cheek. I heard several feet scramble around before several gun shots went off.

I was dead, I was sure of it. Everything numb, cold, silent. It felt lonely, it didn't feel right, is this really what death is? That's when I noticed, I noticed I wasn't dead.

.3rd point view.

When the police, ambulances, fire trucks arrived to the demolished house, it was engulfed in flames. Three of the four bodies were scorched, severe burns covering their bodies. The last body, female, had three gun shots straight through her back. As the house began getting drenched in water the bodies were taken to emergency.

All the bodies were dead before they were taken from the house. Hours later the bodies were taken to the mortuary for further identification.


Two doctors stood in the freezer room gathering information. Several bodies laid on tables behind them covered from head to toe in a plastic body bag. As they talked between each other the lights flickered, off then back on. Now behind them were only six bodies on the tables, one body, more like a shadow figure, stood beside the empty table. The doctors looked up at the ceiling thinking they needed to talk to the electrician about this. The lights flickered off and back on again, the pitch black figure moved now behind the doctors. One of the doctors noticed the figure with wide eyes. The lights once again flickered, the room, now destroyed, papers flew around and tables flipped, broken lights and the two doctors dead. Their stomachs ripped open, intestines and other inner organs ripped apart. A scream erupted from outside the room. The figure made it's way down the hallway, the lights shattered as the shadow past them, soon the hallway went pitch black. Screams and yells were the only sound in the morgue. Towards the entrance way where the figure was planning to go two employees made a quick conversation.

"All the security cameras went black, but before they did, there seemed to be a black figure, human like in the security cameras view." She stated trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Where did the first camera go off at?" He asked as another male approached the two.

"The Room 2A"

"Freezer room 2A has a missing body, she's a deceased female, she was killed just yesterday, her name" he quickly looked through information papers. "Eleanor Greene"

Then, the whole building went black, when the building went silent every open door in the building slammed shut locking everyone in. Then one by one every body was killed the same way, guts eaten, body decapitated.

Eleanor Greenes body was never found, all security tapes were damaged and the killer of the 59 employees was never found.

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