Demon boys

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It was a bright light, you would think I was going to heaven, but it was actually the start of a new life. I felt strong, powerful, alive, I didn't feel any pain. I reached the light and opened my eyes slowly. I awoke in a California King bed. I was wrapped in silk, my body temperature was the refreshing kind of cold. I took a glimpse around the room, a lady on the far end of the bed, fixing up the room. I stared at her for awhile before she noticed me.

"Good morning ma'am, glad your awake. I'll inform the boys" she smiled in a squeaky voice. She exited the room as I sat up slowly. I made my self comfortable in the huge bed, and looked around once more. I sat on the white and cream sheeted bed surrounded by thin white sheets handing from the ceiling. I looked to a large stone fireplace across the room in front of me. On one side of the room had a small sitting area with a glass table and a antique tea set sitting upon it. Behind the setting were white painted wooden sliding doors. The other side of the room were white silk curtained French doors to a view of the ocean which was clearly heard. The room had a dim lighting to it, several wall lights lit up the corners of the room. Then behind the door were several footstep then the doors slid open.

Seven males entered the room all in tuxedos with bow ties except one. All looked different except for a pair of twins. Two curly haired, two blonde, two twins and, the last one wore the regular tie.

"Good morning Miss Greene" they said in sync with a smile or smirk before bowing towards me.

"We are glad your awake miss Greene" the tallest curly one said.

"There is a lot you have to learn about your new life" the blonde and tallest of them all smiled.

"We will accompany you throughout the rest of your existence" the twins stated.

"We will follow your every order and command" the outcast said with a smirk.

"And we you will never be alone unless ordered" the other blonde stated pleasantly.

"For that we are your demons" the last curly one said with a devilish smirk. My eyes went wide and my mouth slightly opened.

"Demons?" I asked quietly "what's going on? Someone please tell me?!" I began panicking crawling out of bed in the silk sleeping gown.

"Miss Greene, why are you panicked? You are a devil" the tall blonde stated towards me, I turned to him in confusion.

"A devil" I said quietly under my breath "you mean there's more than one devil?"

"Miss Greene" the tall curly one began.

"Please call me Eleanor" I stated to him. I remember, well my name but I now notice I don't remember much.

"Eleanor, we will explain you everything you need to know. The maid will dress you and give you a guide around the house before afternoon meal" he finished before I nodded slightly. They filed out of the room as I noticed I never got there names.

A couple minutes later three maids entered the room and two began cleaning around as the last one approached the closet and opened it to many elegant dresses. She had orange hair that was into a pixie cut, and wore a symbol necklace. She pulled out a dark red dress, it's skirt was a medium poof, it's cleavage was a little much. I slipped on the dress then pulled on the corset. She tied up the corset and gave me black ankle boots. Once those were on she began fixing up my hair. We walked to the bathing room. Many designed tiles and candles lined the large tub. A fireplace as we'll as placed by the shower. She lead me to a part in the bathing room where a huge mirror laid upon the wall and a desk covered with hair styling equipment sat. All of it was only for hair. She sat me down and curled my hair perfectly then pinned parts back finishing the look.

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