An Attempt was Made

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"I can't beli-eve you act-ual-ly made it! Wel-come to our lit-tle fa-mily uh- wha-t was y-our name ag-ain?" The man who tossed you into the arena asked you, holding no remorse nor guilt at his actions. You watched as his body jerked every which way every so often. You held your arm bleeding arm, your whole body was bruised and beaten.

"... (Y/N)..." you replied, just about a whisper. Your voice was worn out from all the screaming and cussing you did as you ran for your life. The ticking man seemed happy with your answer, he pinched your arm in a supposedly playful manner. Except it hurt. A lot. You yelped as he punched your bruised arm, sending more pain to flow through it. He just laughed at your reaction.

"Okay (Y-N)" his jerks making him say your name weirdly. "I'm Toby, and this is Masky and Hoodie-"

You watched as Masky pushed him aside, slamming his head into a nearby wall. You winced at the loud thud it made. "I can introduce myself Rodgers"

Masky turned to look at your beaten state. He let out another tired sigh, he sounded so tired you almost felt bad. All four of you stood in a hallway, an occasional monster passing by. Some glared at you, obviously disappointed to see you still standing while others just ignored you. With the way things were, escaping would be a near impossible task. The snapping of fingers grabbed your attention. It was Masky.

"Are you even listening?" He asked darkly. You just stared back. Unsure of what he said. Masky let out a groan, mumbling to himself briefly. "As I was saying, we'll have E.J. take care of your wounds and then we'll have you meet up with the Boss. He wants to have a word with you"

You nodded weakly, allowing yourself to be lead down the maze of hallways. You thought about how you were going to leave, it might have to be during the night. The cover of darkness could help you blend in and make escaping easier. Toby was trying to make small talk with you only to result in you giving short replies. Masky seemed as annoyed as ever, growing visibly annoyed as Toby poked at him. The frowning man- Hoodie, still following behind, silent.

Eventually you came to a large arch way, a sign reading Medical Wing hung over you. Inside was a man in a blue hoodie, his skin looking grey and his face covered by a mask. There were other people there, some wearing lab coats or nurse's gowns.

"E.J. we need you to fix the newbie up" Masky called out, grabbing your arm as you started to slow down. You winced and tried to pull your arm out of his death grip, failing horribly. E.J. Sighed and motioned for you to sit on a bed. You did so, against you will. You stayed silent, flinching when he began to stitch up your arm. There's no way you could escape like this... or could you?

"Done. As long as you don't pick at the stitching it should heal fine" E.J. said, gathering his supplies and leaving. Toby waved at E.J. and said a quick thank you as he pulled you along. You winced, he was pulling you by the stitched arm.

"Let's g-o see the B-oss!" Toby cheered. Wasn't he suppose to be like- a murderer or something? The others followed behind, they didn't seem to really care. Eventually you came back to the large door, it was still intimidating as ever. Toby knocked on the door, and stood back with his hands behind his back. You rubbed your arm cautiously, you'll end up bruised as ever.

Come in.

You flinched at the voice that echoed in your head. Part of you wanted to run but you were still planning your escape. You were pushed inside by Hoodie. There was the Boss, towering over you four. He dismissed the others, leaving you both alone. Is this how you die?

You're not going to die, I promised your safety if you passed the first test didn't I?

You nodded your head slowly.

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