Chapter 1

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     The night was cold and harsh like most nights were in the swamp. No other frogs around just the same lonely frog named Bob. Bob's swamp was very barren and no other frog lived anywhere near him or ever talked to him because they found his swamp dirty and unclean. Bob was a modest frog and he was very humble. He chose to live comfortably in his own little area but he was very lonely with nobody to talk to and this also meant Bob couldn't mate and have children who could one day call Bob's modest swamp home.

     Bob woke up and swam up to a floating log, the same log Bob sits on everyday because he has a routine in his little swamp. Wake up, sit on the log, eat, hop around, eat, sleep. He repeats this routine everyday and he will continue to repeat it for the rest of his life unless something or someone came into his life that would change things up. But at this point Bob wasn't very hopeful because there was no way any frog would dare to come to his small dirty swamp.

     "Who's there!" Bob shouted after hearing a strange rustling from the bushes. Bob was slightly frightened simply due to the fact that nobody ever came to this part of the wetlands. Bob asked who was in the bushes once more when out hopped the strangest thing. It was another frog, but this wasn't any frog, it was a GIRL. Bob was very shocked to see that a real life girl frog had come to his swamp. The girl frog shouted, "Is anybody there?" Bob was still in shock so he didn't answer immediately but when he eventually snapped out of the daze he was in he answered.

     "Over here!", Bob shouted back to the beautiful lady frog. She hopped over to the log Bob was sitting on and sat right next to him and asked "Where am I and Who are you?"

"My name is Bob and this is my little swamp, you are very far from the main wetland what is your name?", responded Bob who still wasn't sure what was going on.

"My name is Francine, nice to meet you.", she replied reaching out her webbed hand.

     Bob shook her hand and responded, "Nice to meet you too Francine." Bob offered her a place to sleep for the night and told her in the morning she could tell him her story and how she managed to wander this far off into the wetlands. Francine accepted Bob's offer and she swam down and started to sleep. Bob stared into the night sky and thought to himself, "Is this my one chance?" He then hopped into the water and started to doze off and dream a happy frog dream. The first one he has had in a very long time.

     Bob woke up the next morning well rested and excited to hear what Francine's story was and what she was doing in Bob's swamp. He hopped up to his log and there Francine was. She was just sitting casually Bob assumed she was just waiting for him to wake up.

 "My apologies for keeping you waiting.", said Bob with still a bit of sleepiness in his voice.

"No worries.", replied Francine with a little chuckle.

"So...what brings you to this area of the wetlands?", Bob asked.

"Get comfortable because it is sort of a long story.", replied Francine as she turned to face Bob.

"Well I don't have anything else to do all day.", Bob replied with a little laugh.

     So Francine began to tell her story. "There I was on a normal sunny day in my area of the wetlands.  It is a decent sized village with many frogs. Everybody always had the same routine and I also had the same routine every single day it was the same thing.", Bob knew what she was talking about because he too had the same routine everyday. "I was so tired of living basically the same day over and over, I just wanted to do something different so I did. While the rest of the pond was sunbathing I began to hop on lily pads and jump in and out of the water. One of the older frogs noticed and when the village saw I was doing stuff on my own free will they shunned me. They told me to leave and to never come back because I was a disgrace and a freak.", Francine began to cry a little and Bob felt bad for her because he knew how tiring it is being on the same schedule and having the same routine everyday of your life. 

"I know how having the same routine can be.", Bob said to her while she was staring at the murky water letting her tears drip down.

"How would you know?", replied Francine sounding a little confused. "You have this entire area to yourself. You can do whatever you want whenever you want with nobody to judge you and nobody to tell you otherwise."

"It's not that simple.", replied Bob quietly. "When nobody wants to live near you and there is nobody to talk to you find yourself having the same routine because like you said, there is nobody to tell me otherwise."

     Bob stared down staring at his reflection feeling sorry for himself. He noticed Francine staring at him and he looked up at her and said, "It seems we solved our problem though."

"What do you mean?", Francine asked.

"You running away and stumbling on my wetlands wasn't part of anybody's routine was it.", Bob replied laughing a little.

"Yeah, I guess not.", Francine replied starting to laugh.

"What do you say we get out of our routines and do something different?", Bob asked staring at Francine. "You should stay a while and we can do something different everyday if you'd like. We can go exploring one day and sleep in the next. Nobody can control you now."

     Francine stared at Bob. She had never thought that she would meet somebody like Bob, but she did and he understood her and didn't think she was crazy or a freak. She was pondering what Bob had just said and Bob was waiting for in answer. And in that moment of mixed feelings she replied, "Why not. I would like that...very much." She smiled at Bob and Bob smiled back at her and for a moment she forgot all her struggles, all her pain, and she was just happy. Bob was also happy because he finally had a friend, maybe something that could mean more.

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