Chapter 2

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"Bob get up!", shouted Francine from across the swamp.

"What is it?", Bob asked rubbing his eyes because he had just woke up from Francine's shouting.

Bob leaped over to where Francine was and asked what she was doing. That was when he saw it. There it was standing tall and graceful, Bob had never seen such a beauty simply because most animals, not just frogs, didn't want to be in his area of the wetlands, certainly not a beautiful swan.

"Isn't it beautiful Bob?", asked Francine with wonder and amazement in her eyes.

"Yes it most certainly is.", replied Bob who wasn't staring at the swan anymore. He was staring at Francine. She had looked so beautiful with that glow in her eyes and sounded so elegant with the happiness and amazement in her voice.

"Who are you calling IT?!", shouted the swan. Bob and Francine looked up at her quickly because her yelling had startled them.

"My apologies Miss Swan Lady.", replied Francine sounding sorry and ashamed.

"Its fine hunny you can call me Daisy. Who is your friend over here Miss Froggy?", asked Daisy who was now staring at Bob.

"Oh that's Bob and I'm Francine, nice to meet you Daisy!", Francine replied quickly.

"So Daisy, what brings you to my swampy area of the wetlands?", Bob asked Daisy who was now distracted by a dragonfly flying around her.

Daisy turned to look at Bob and just said, "Oh you know traveling looking for a mate before mating season ends. The usual."

Francine stared at Daisy confused and asked, "How do you not already have a mate? You are very beautiful."

"Why thank you Francine you are very kind and you're right, I am very beautiful.", Daisy replied with a bit of vanity in her voice.

Francine hopped over to Bob excited. She knew this was the kind of change they were looking for, because it isn't everyday you have the opportunity to help a swan find her soul mate so she asked Bob, "What if we help Daisy search for her soul mate Bob? It would be so amazing this is the kind of fun exciting things we can do."

Bob stared at Francine and even though he didn't think by exploring they would travel far from his home he had known for so long but, he saw how happy and excited Francine was and that glow in her eyes he noticed earlier and said, "Sure let's do it. You are right, this the perfect fun and spontaneous thing to do."

"Yay!", Francine was so happy Bob agreed. Now she just had to ask Daisy it was okay if they helped her look for a mate. When Francine asked Daisy was very excited somebody wanted to help her search for her possible soul mate.

"Is it okay if I stay the night here Bob? I have been traveling all day.", Daisy asked as she started to yawn even though it was mid afternoon.

"Fine by me. I have so much room and the more the merrier.", Bob replied happily.

Daisy went to a nearby shrub and made a sleeping mat out of it and immediately began to sleep. Bob hopped over next to Francine who was sitting on a log catching bugs to eat. Bob also began to catch some bugs for a little while and when they were both full Bob turned to Francine and said, "It was really nice of you to offer to help Daisy on her journey."

"Thanks. It was nice of you to give me and her shelter at your swamp and nice of you to give me hope for a better more fun life when nobody else would, and for that, you are truly kind."

Bob stared at Francine and Francine stared back. There was just silence, like an awkward pause or like the whole world had just stopped making noise. "Hey, maybe we will find a soul mate on our journey with Daisy.", Bob told Francine jokingly.

"No.", Francine said quietly.

"I don't think there is much searching to do.", Francine glanced at Bob and smiled then she hopped into the water and began to sleep.

Bob didn't know how to feel. He didn't know exactly what Francine meant but he had a feeling. The way he felt around Francine was a different feeling he has never experienced. Francine made him feel like he was never alone and he hoped she felt the same way around him. Bob hopped into the water and went to sleep.

Francine laid awake staring up at the water. She mainly asked to go on the journey with Francine so that her and Bob could grow closer or at least she hoped. Bob seemed like the frog who just wanted a friend and nothing more. He also said maybe he would find a soul mate on the journey and Francine hoped with all her little frog heart that his soulmate...would be her. She also knew she would probably never have the courage to tell Bob the way she felt and if she did have the courage to tell him, he would probably laugh in her face or it would make things awkward between them and she would have to go back to being on her own. Just a nobody and a freak who was shunned from her pond for being different. Francine couldn't let that happen she was lucky to even be friends with Bob. "You can't mess this up.", Francine told herself strictly before finally falling asleep.

That night Bob and Francine both dreamed of each other but the sad part was, neither could tell each other the way they feel which could mean living in constant pain while also being with the one that made them the happiest.

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