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POV:Super boy aka Conner Kent

Megan had warned me of course that the new telepath coming to the caves couldn't control it.
So I wasn't anger or surprised when I heard the thoughts of the girl bruised.what did surprise me was how much she looked like me.

(So this is Superboy .wonder what he'll think of me ?what powers does he have? Will he even like me?does he like Greek Pizza too?Oh geez -I'm staring !!what am I doing !Pizza!- I've got to take a pizza somewhere! crap! Wonder woman?!)
(are we in a cave? Why would anyone hangout in a cave?)
So far the bits and pieces I heard sounded normal but as any nine-year-old and speak then
(Conner, why is everyone so nice ? I mean I knew they were heros but I'm just a lab mistake.) imagine flashed to quickly for my brain to process (no ,I'm not a freak. I might have been created in a lab I am just as real as anyone here)
I froze .
A LAB. this girl was just like me she's questioning her existence just as I had.
"Dosnt matter where or how you were born or with what powers . No matter what anyone tells you you have to believe in yourself" I told her.
she started crying ,hard ,As if she never had before. as if no one had told her that her life had worth. But then she fell to her knees in wezzing sobs.

"Sarah ,hey you need to breathe come on take a breath."
she took a ragged gulp "that's it. good job don't pass out on me. "
I scooped Sarah, up rubbing her back like I had seen Megan do to Gar.
"it's it's okay we've got you ,it's okay"

The Younger meta went limp in my arms.her unconscious form grew to its original size as I shouted for help. Megan and Wonder woman appear before I'm finished.
"She had a panic attack,"Megan reassure me "Her mind shut down to protect itself . She should be alright when she wakes".
"Let's take Sarah to the dorms "
I followed them Megan lead us to her room.
"She can sleep here for now"
"Who is she and where did she come from?" I asked as I laying the young girl on the bed "in her mind, I saw ,I heard her speak about lab."
"We believe she was an experiment' much like you .we don't know a lot of information but...we ran a DNA test and it came back she is.... part Kryptonian and Martian as well as human"
My heart clenched as I looked at the girl.
Kryptonian, this girl she was of my blood. cousins ,siblings or some sort of Kin.
"So far her power seemed to be Martian based telepathy shape-changing though it's limited to changing parts of her physical appearance somehow she was able to resist and survive Jokers laughing gas. so that might be Kryptonian strength and healing but this moment is all speculation"Wonder woman continued.
"How ,how old is she?"
"According to her she was born 1 months before we found you in Cadmus. She was raised by a older couple ,though she refuses to acknowledge them as parents. I believe they were unkind but once again this is all speculation she's not on any file or record"
Anger and protectiveness rose in me. She was less than 5 years old
"I'll stay with her till she wakes" I stated. Sarah Kent has a nice ring to it

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