Chapter 5

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Last time:

She smiled and chatted with her friends, talking about how fantastic the concert was, before their conversation was interrupted by loud cheers as Avi exited the venue. He looked around as the fans almost crowded him. Lei and her friends stood back from the crowd a bit waiting, all the while her heart was racing. He was here, he was finally here after all this time!! The moment he came out on stage and had looked her way, she knew. She knew that Avi was the one that had been in her head all this time.


She knew he felt it, the look in his eyes had told her so. And throughout the entire concert, his eyes would always find hers. He had put all his emotions into the songs he sang tonight, so much so that at times Lei swore that he was practically weeping. Avi took the time to talk to everyone that had come to the show, signing autographs and taking pictures with all the fans. Soon only a small crowd of people remained as she and her friends approached him. She watched as her friends presented him with the gifts and all of the other things, not only from themselves but from other fans around the world.

"Thank you so much, that's so rock and roll!!" Avi exclaimed as he opened several of the gifts. Every so often Lei would catch Avi glance her way, while he smiled and chatted away with her friends. 'Take your time, they love you too, I'm not going anywhere' Lei had said to him, and she swore she could almost see him relax and nod his head ever so slightly. 'But I need to hold you, I need to touch you...' Avi had whispered back. 'But dragonfly, the fans, they'll see...I know you prefer to keep things private' Lei responded, a bit shocked at his forwardness. Did he really love her that much that he was willing to let the fans see that deeply into his life?

He was just such a private person when it came to his personal life, 'I don't care, I need you and I love you, and they will love you too' Avi stated determinedly. 'Avi...' Lei trailed off, using his real name for the first time. This startled Avi a bit, causing him to look up at her, he stared at her a long moment as if arguing with himself internally. He loved the way his name sounded on her lips, like a gentle caress on his soul. 'Fuck it' Avi thought. "Excuse me a moment everyone" Avi said, effectively silencing the small group of people that still lingered outside the venue. Lei stared at him wide-eyed, as he took several long strides towards her, stopping only a few mere inches away.

Avi stared into her sparkling emerald green eyes for a moment, slowly reaching up and cupping her face in both hands. He smiled widely, his hands trembling ever so slightly, 'I love you.' 'I love you too' Lei responded. Avi's smile grew wider as he ran his thumbs gently across her cheeks. 'Are you ready? This is going to be crazy' Avi stated, casting a sideways glance towards their audience. 'I'm ready' Lei confirmed. Avi inhaled deeply as he brought his lips closer to hers, their eyes closing, as their lips touched for the first time. Lei sighed into the kiss, audible gasps and small shrieks were heard all around them, as Lei brought her arms up around his waist, pulling him even closer.

"OH MY GOD!!" someone had yelled finally, as Avi slowly pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. Several quiet clicks were heard as the couple turned their heads to the right and came face to face with several raised cell phones. 'I have this feeling that your Twitter will blow up soon' Lei giggled, leaning into his warmth. 'I think you could be right' Avi confirmed. "LEI!!!" her friends screamed, finally coming out of their shock, as they rushed towards her and Avi. "Guys please..." Lei tried to get in as they bombarded her with questions left and right. Avi sighed, this wasn't going to be easy for her...but he knew she was strong and could handle anything. 'I'll be back, keep your friends here and I'll finish with the rest of the fans, then we can talk okay?' Avi asked, as he let go of her and excused himself to go deal with the rest of the fans. Lei watched him leave, already missing his warmth, before turning back to her friends, all of whom looked rather irritated with her.

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