Before You Leave

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Hey, it's me, the author. I'd just like to make a few notes before we dive in. Read this entire guide before wheels up. It helps to plan ahead, and to keep things in your mind as you're planning and packing. Secondly, I just want to express what a beautiful and welcoming country Thailand is. You will not regret your time there (unless you don't read the guide, of course!)

Let's jump right in!

•Ensure you are up to date on all of your vaccinations (hep a/b typhoid are absolutely necessary)

•Get several photocopies of your passport, and license, a digital copy is useful as well, just in case you find yourself in any sort of bind. Send this digital copy of your license and passport to ONE trusted individual back home. (preferably your check-in person, which I will cover more on later)

•It sounds nuts, but if you can get a base tan, do it. Thai sun is very, very unforgiving for us pale folk.

•INSURANCE, this is something that if you don't have, and you need, you'll be kicking yourself in the ass after. ( keep in mind, medical care in Thailand is quite affordable, minor injuries wouldn't even really be worth the claim, however if you get seriously injured, or killed, you'll want to have this)

•Establish your check in person, this is the person that is back home, someone that you trust, and is close to you.

•Make sure your passport is in before you book if you need one.

•Always check your countries travel advisories before booking, they should be available online.

•Criminal Record? It's best to check into the general laws and regulations before  booking, as you might not be given access to the country. Best bet is to apply for visas in advance to be absolutely certain you won't be turned away (something we'll cover more later, and something you should do, criminal record or not)

•Never hurts to check out hotels and local areas on Google maps in advance to familiarize.

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