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I barged in the hospital with her in my arms. Her heavy breathing was pressuring me to help immediately. I don't remember how we got home or how she ended up like this; this is not the best day and to make it even worse, there was nobody behind the fucking desk.

"Help!" I yelled, jogging to an open room. It was empty and very quiet.

Walking back out, I reiterate my pleas hoping somebody will come running. Nobody.

"She's dying." I croak.

My legs begin to shake and I was feeling dizzy. I can't right now. Come on, Shawn, don't let her down. Not now.

Silence filled the room, but then I heard a creak behind me. I turned around and see another door open wide enough to reveal a patient bed. Doctors appear from the halls and guide me to the room. I lay her gently on the bed, only to be pushed away so that all the doctors could surround her. As hard as I tried to see what they were doing, they wouldn't allow me to take a peek.

"Shawn?" I hear Elyssa's voice crack. "Where am I?"

"You're going to be okay, babe. I promise." I push my arm through to be able to hold her hand.

It only last for a good five seconds before one doctor pull me and forced me to sit down on the couch. He got down on his knees to level with my eyes. His pupils weren't showing in his green eyes. It was creepy and strange.

"I'm sorry but we will need to do surgery on her. Her heart is having trouble comprehending."

I frown and push my hand off my shoulder. "But she can speak. She sounds like she's doing fine."

"For now. We don't know how long she will be secure."

"But that doesn't mean we need to open her damn fucking heart!" I shout and stand up, towering over him until he finally stood up.

"If you love her you will not let her suffer!" He equally shouts back.

Right then and there, I heard it and wished I didn't. I wished that I was hearing the wrong things; praying that it was just a hallucination. That loud long beep broke me.


"Elyssa!" I run to the bed.

The doctors disappeared and Dr. Chow walked in.

"What did you do!" I yelled.

Her brown eyes were never going to look up at me again. That smile will never show from laughing at me ever again. Her voice will never sooth me when I need them to. My hear just shattered. It's been cracking every single time she is here in the hospital because of her fucking cancer. Now, it just shattered and is on the floor for the whole world to step on. I lost her. For good.

"Shawn!" a beautiful angelic voice woke me up. My eyes snapped open to me breathing heavily. I sit up from the small couch; my body feels hot and my hair is sticking to my skin.

My eyes travel to her brown ones. So Innocent and cute behind her adorable glasses. Her brows knit together into a concerned look.

"Bad dream?" She bit her lip.

I nod. My eyes look down at her nose with the tubes stuck in, then I looked at her body with that patient outfit. Her pale arms covered with needles and tubes. As for her feet, she is wearing her favorite fuzzy panda slippers that she loves so much.

I hold my arms out to her and she cautiously sits down on my lap, making sure she doesn't mess the tubes up. Her head rests at the crook of my neck. I gently kiss the top of her bald head.

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