The begging of its victims, the screams of the ones it killed is all I can hear, blood covering my hands and every surface is all I can see, the metallic tang of blood is all I can smell, and pure evil radiating through me is all I can feel. It has been this way since I let the nogitsune in and it shall be this way for as long as I am in this town. The longer I stay the worse it gets, but I can't leave my pack or my father.
I woke up screaming and begging for it to stop for the third time in just as many days. My dad came running and wrapped me in his muscled arms. Years of being the Beacon County sheriff more evident than ever. "I'm here son, calm down. Come on it was just a nightmare. You're going to be fine. Look at me it's gone and everyone is safe." I slowly calmed down with his soothing words, but I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my lips. "I can't do this Dad. I tried staying for you and for the pack but I just can't do this anymore. I need to leave. Please just let me leave." He tightened his grip while I rested my forehead against his shoulder. "Ok son ok just promise me you won't go alone." I nodded my agreement knowing that if I went alone I would be back home before I was even gone for an hour.
My phone dinged alerting me that I had received a text. I slid my finger across the screen to unlock my phone and opened my messages. Ethan had texted asking me to check on Danny and apologize for him again. After typing out and sending my agreement I went down to the kitchen for breakfast.
When I got to Danny's I saw him putting a box in the trunk of his car. I parked Roscoe and climbed out of my beloved jeep. "Hey Danny. Are you going somewhere?" He shut the trunk before turning around with the smallest smile tugging his lips. It's something I wouldn't have noticed before but since the nogitsune I've been more observant. "Hey Stiles. Yeah, after everything that's happened my mom and dad think it'd be best for me to get out of Beacon Hills so I'm moving to the cabin." I nodded understanding why his parents would feel that way. "Makes sense I'm actually leaving myself once I find someone who'll go with me." Surprise flashed in his eyes and he raised an eyebrow in question. "I've not been doing so great. I just.....I need to leave, so that's what I'm going to do." He'd studied my face the whole time I talked, his smile slowly turning to a frown. "Why don't we go inside and talk about what happened Stiles?" I nodded once again and followed him indoors.
"Now tell me everything and don't leave out the supernatural parts. Oh yeah I know." I couldn't help the sigh that escaped me, but I couldn't find it in myself to be surprised by this new information. "OK, but how'd you find out if you don't mind me asking?" He took a sip of his soda before setting it down on a coaster and leaning back in his chair. Without even realizing it I had copied him and done the same. "You guys aren't exactly quiet, and well it's Beacon Hills the supernatural's been here for years. Now on with the story." I nodded and started telling him everything that had happened starting with how Scott got bit and ending with me being here today.
After story time Danny just kind of sat there stunned by everything that had happened. I couldn't really blame him though because I felt the same way as it was happening, I still felt that way now. "Holy Hell. Jesus ok Stiles first call your dad and tell him you found someone to leave with because you're coming with me. Next, I want you to text Ethan and tell him I forgive him and I'm fine. Finally, I want you to go home, pack, and meet me back here at sunset." I sunk down into the big, comfy cushions of the couch not able to believe my ears. Thinking that maybe I was just having a good dream for once I dug my nail into my palm. When I felt pain I knew Danny had just given me the best gift of my life, a chance to heal.
The only thing I didn't pack when I got home was my red hoodie. I laid it on my bed with a note for the pack. I would've told them goodbye in person, but I hadn't really seen them since they got rid of the nogitsune. I figured if they needed me they'd come through my window, find it, and Dad could explain what I hadn't in my letter. I took a final look around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything before leaving.

This Long Journey : One Shot
FanfictionWhile dealing with the aftermath of the nogitsune Stiles leaves, goes on a road trip, and finds love in an unlikely place. DISCLAIMER: I do not own teen wolf or its characters