Prolouge: The Start Of My Memory's Revival

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Hey roi wake up or you're gonna be late for school my mom yelled at me while I was sleeping. I looked at my watch slowly it was quarter to 7:00 am my class starts at 7:30 even though I am a bit under the Weather I still hurried my way to school. As I walked at the sidewalk I saw my friend. "Hey dude what's up" he asked me I replied nothing out of the ordinary. Really? You seem a bit off today. He said to me in a curious voice
Oh sorry I just don't feel well today. I said to him. Maybe you shouldn't go to school today.
Nah it will go away somehow. I said to him uncertainly.
Anyway did you hear about the new transfered student? He asked excitedly. this was expected because Gert was the type of person who wants to be friends with everyone. I just answered with a cold tone no.
Well that was not new why are you always cold to everyone?
I don't know but since I was little I was always sad about something I Don't even know.
I said to him honestly but I can see clearly that he has a little doubt about what I said.

We arrived at school exactly 7:16 and nothing was new. Just another uninteresting day. That was thing in my head. Just one more day till summer brake. I said in my mind. Then the bell rang our adviser was right in front of the door and beside her was the new student I turned my head towards the door and I saw the girl when I saw her something strange happened I suddenly fainted.
Then I had a weird dream that I was fighting against an army alone and I won. I suddenly snapped back to reality I see Gert,the new transfered student and our teacher then I hear Gert saying I told you you should've stayed home. But my gaze was focused on the new transfered student.
Have we met before? Those words suddenly came out of my mouth
Um I think not I don't talk to strangers often unless necessary or forced. She said to me with a strange tone and Once again I fainted.
I had another dream this is what I remember
Hey don't forget me even if I die. what is your name? Jane.

I returned to the real world again but half asleep saying Jane.
When I woke up I found myself at the school clinic the teacher there checked me if I were still sick and then said you are now good to head back to class.

I went to class quickly this time I avoided contact from the new transfered girl. I asked my friend Gert. who was the new transfered student?
Is it Jane? I was surprised because I sound very desperate No man it's Jana. Are you sure you're well? He asked but I didn't hear it because
I thought to myself maybe it's just my imagination. I said to myself confusedly. I didn't realize that Gert was asking. My mind was so absent all I can hear was myself speaking in my mind.

Then again the subject about who the girl was returned to my mind. I have never seen her before yet she seems very familiar. It's like we have history together that I forgot.

As class ended I really didn't have care. Our grades were already given to us so we just go to school for perfect attendance.
When the school bus arrived I just put on my headphones by the window.

My friend Gert who usually sits besides me sits at the back but I didn't care.
I just thought this is last day of school why did she transfer and also we didn't have any lessons why did the teacher let her transfer.

Anyway I didn't care anymore whatever. As turn to my left I saw Jana beside me. It's you. I thought I only said it in my mind but it turns out I said it out loud. Yes what do you want. She asked to me. Did I said it out loud?
Sorry if I sounded rude. I said that and then turned around and put on my headphones.
You being sarcastic? She said to me and I answered. No I really sorry ok I really thought I didn't save d it out loud.
That moment that time felt like it happened before but I know it's impossible. I don't even talk to people I know unless they ask me, I ask them something urgent or if it's Gert that I am talking to. So it's impossible for us to have history together. So it is weird for me to think we have history together. I just thought this might be the start of something weird.
Then I said to myself no it isn't this might be just one big coincidence it will probably be over because it's the last Time we'll meet. I said to my mind.

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